
It’s weird, when I search for your issue, I found this:

Which seems pretty close. But then when I paste the code into a typescript playground, it compiles down and works fine.

I wonder if the compiler is doing something smarter here than yours?

const modal: IdcAdditionalInfoModals = this.idcAdditionalInfoModals[deliveryType as keyof IdcAdditionalInfoModals];

return modal and modal.openModal;

Does this work?

@zikzak can we have code tags? I can’t get preformated to work on multi-line.

You might make a function like doesPropertyExist - which you can pass any property and any object and it returns either the property or false (or null or w/e makes sense) - w/o blowing up.

Bottom of this post:

Got it. I know markdown. Kerowo isn’t the ` (backtick) key the uppermost left key on your keyboard?

I think so, under the~ key (at work in windows land). Although, it’s the same on my windows keyboard too.

i have a revulsion for backticks from my bash programming experience

Ne’er has there been a more misused and abused language feature

No I still use Sublime because mostly I’m searching repos in like 10 different file formats.

I think the forum might have a memory leak. Could one of ya’ll leave it loaded in a single tab for an hour or so of normal use and lmk where you’re at? I’d really appreciate it.

I do that all day long. I never close the tab.

And it stays reasonable? I keep creeping up to and sometimes past 2 GB for a single process. Happens on Firefox and Chrome, logged in and logged out.

Seems fine. How do I check?

Like attach as much from this as you want, but my browser did die on unstuck a day or two ago, had a lot but far less than unsafe amount of tabs open. I’m 40% confident that something like this happened.

I have Ad-block plus. Might block some stuff.

Also I’m on a Mac. I almost never run into browser lock up issues.

I have no idea how to check memory usage on a Mac. Probably with some super standard Unix tool that for whatever reason is almost impossible to get to work correctly on Apple hardware.

It’s actually really easy - activity monitor. Chrome always looks like that no matter what’s open.

Yes. And if it looks like that then it’s just a me problem. I’m currently looking at 1.6 GB for a single process that keeps growing, and as soon as I navigate away from the forum it drops back down to ~400 MB.

eta: I wrote that before your update showing 800+ MB.

Safari often warns me that the page is using a lot of resources after having it up for a while.

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Lol Safari sucks

Thanks. That’s pretty much exactly what I’ve been seeing. I’ll start trying to track it down later. See if it’s one of our scripts or not.