Presidential Debate Thread: Take 2 (Tonight at 9 PM Eastern)

Trump is still a favourite to win for sure.

Every time a Democratic candidate doesnā€™t fall on their face during a debate, MAGA freaks accuse them of cheating. Every time.


Yes, she did, because they are the same fucking questions every time, plus a few topical ones sprinkled in. Immigration, economy, abortion, etc. jfc

IDK, this question is a bit different than the usual ones.

DAVID MUIR: We talked immigration here tonight. I do want to focus on this next issue to both of you. Because it really brings us, this into focus. Truth in these times that weā€™re living in. Mr. President, for 3 and a half years after you lost the 2020 election you repeatedly falsely claimed that you won, many times saying you won in a landslide. In the past couple of weeks leading up to this debate, you have said, quote, you lost by a whisker, that you, quote, didnā€™t quite make it, that you came up a little bit short.


DAVID MUIR: Are you now acknowledging that you lost in 2020?

FORMER PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: No, I donā€™t acknowledge that at all.

DAVID MUIR: But you did say that.

FORMER PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: I said that sarcastically. You know that.


I can easily believe that Harris is a mild underdog even after the debate, but I canā€™t believe that sheā€™s effectively a coin flip to win the popular vote. That seems bonkers.


Thereā€™s just no way Trump wins the popular vote, that hasnā€™t happened for Republicans since post-9/11 W Bush at the peak of his popularity.

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Nate makes fun of this argument on his latest podcast, as he should. Youā€™re not stupid, but damn if you donā€™t try like hell.

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Iā€™m probably more down on Kamalaā€™s prospects than anyone here, but Iā€™d bet a ton on her winning the popular vote at evens.

Rage intensifies. Ok not so bad, Chait is ripping Taibbi.

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Matt Taibbiā€™s bills are paid by Russia.

I am anti conspiracy theory about everything, but I believe that much of the conservative media is bought and paid for (mostly domestic, some foreign). Not directly, but in the way you train a dog, with rewards for proper behavior. Call it the Clarance Thomas approachā€“we wonā€™t tell you what to do, weā€™ll just reward you for doing the right thing.

Sam Seeder has been doing some deep dives on this Tenant media thing, and Iā€™d swear Thiel, Musk, and like 20 others are actively supporting the livelihood of much of the right wing griftosphere.


Pretty sure it would be safe to give pretty good odds too. She wont win by as much as Biden, but is lilely to win by at least as much as Clinton

From 5 years ago


Completely predictable. Hopefully we donā€™t get a mass shooting incident.

yeah like oh wow thinking ahead and knowing about current events is cheating, what a superpower, yall should try it some time, shitheads

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A coward who knows heā€™s beaten.


Love that his nickname for kamala is comrade. He subconsciously wants to lose because deep down he knows he deserves to be punished.



This hits the same points he repeats over and over and just sounds tired. I thought it made his debate closing statement especially weak. He just has nothing new to say. No more tricks up his sleeve. No third debate means he knows it too.

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Yep trump has been done for weeks. Stop stressing everyone