Presidential Debate Thread: Take 2 (Tonight at 9 PM Eastern)

Yeah, I haven’t seen it mentioned much, but during the debate I thought it wasn’t an effective pitch outside the Trumpist fictional universe.

Also, Trump clearly thinks he can go 100% on immigration because it’s like a 55/45 issue for him, but a comedian telling his one funny joke in 6 different ways gets stale pretty fast.


I assume this is hilarious if you watched the debate?


Pretty funny, yah. He claims that he befriended “Abdul” from the Taliban to negotiate the Afghanistan withdrawal. Made a great deal, a perfect deal. Some might say, the best deal of all time.

Narrator: There was, in fact, no Abdul from the Taliban.



like why are people so obssessed with this

debates are like the worst possible method to get policy info, go read the fucking website or something

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trump certainly didn’t tlak about policy, he just did the “we’re looking at it very strongly, we have a concept of an idea of a plan, here’s a book full of blank pages, we’ll get the plan to you in two weeks” thing


"why didn’t you build the wall?
“why didn’t you fix healthcare? you said it was going to be “so easy””
“why didn’t you do anything other than give tax breaks to billionaires?”

yeah the idea that trump could learn morse code is less plausible than the cat eating thing

I’m pretty terminally online and yet I’m not really sure what the argument is here, like what is the “true” version of the “very fine people” comment or the bloodbath comment?

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Yeah, the Ken Bone’s of the world are really interested in “policy” discussion. They would literally need to take a class on how government works before you could discuss policy with them.

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yeah I show up to the car dealer to buy a car and cry like a baby because they won’t explain how a fuel injector was invented


The bloodbath thing is the standard ‘he said it in a way where he had plausible deniability’ so he could wink at his supporters and then get indignant when the media goes crazy. Like he meant the economy would be a bloodbath or whatever.

The Charlottesville thing I have no idea what the red pilled version is.

they are obsessed with the Charlottesville thing being “debunked”. that has come up on the other site 5 or 6 times already.

i think the idea is that the left says he was talking about the neo-nazi’s and the right’s claim is that he was only talking about conservatives and that later he said he didnt mean the neo-nazi’s. but to get there you have to do mental gymnastics to not understand that the rally in question was ONLY white supremacists on the side he’s talking about. no regular republican showed up to the stormfront rally chanting “jews will not replace us” not knowing why they were there


The line I’ve heard is that there are very fine people on the side that “wants to save the monuments”.

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yeah I mean it’s crazy to think the guy who did J6 and promised to pardon anyone who does more J6-type politica violence and stochastic terrorism would ever condone poltical violence and stochastic terrorism


Remember those few minutes when Megyn Kelly was normalized?


yeah the “both sides” were “the nazis” and “the neonazis”


New York Times got you


What’s remarkable is that she couldn’t even stop being racist on TV when the networks were paying her millions of dollars. I think a lot of these rightwing grifters are putting out racist stuff just because that’s what the fans want, Megyn is racist just for the love of the game.