Presidential Debate Thread: Take 2 (Tonight at 9 PM Eastern)

I mean, she could have at least mentioned the concept of a policy.


Iā€™m surprised nobody mentioned that he obviously colored his hair a new shade before this one. No more straw/orange colored hair, going to a more pewter look.

It would be a profound mistake for Harris to debate Trump again. You never know when he will finally develop a sense of self awareness and composure. After all, he has been running for president for nine straight years, you donā€™t want to be there when he finally gets good at it.


I have a better chance of winning gold in the 100m at the next olympics than Trump does at getting good at debating.


If there is one thing I know, it is that we all have the capacity for change. Never give up the people important to you.



I do think heā€™d be much better in a second debate. Heā€™d still have his unhinged moments but heā€™d be hammering ā€œwhy didnā€™t you do it the last 3.5 years?ā€ much more often, which I believe is his best tact by far. But sheā€™d have the opportunity to better answer that line of attack.


From the idiot who I keep as a FB friend so that I can see what the absolute dumbest faction of the trump cult hive mind is thinkingā€¦


After letting this marinate overnight and reading more online reactions, I think this is a mild positive for Harris.

Trump said enough deranged shit people are dunking on that it feeds the vibes of the election for another week or two (a considerable time when the election is 7 weeks away and early voting starts soon). The eating cats and dogs, aborting babies who have already been bornā€“legitimately meme-able stuff that has pierced beyond the bubble of politics junkies.

The only other moments I can think of from past debates like this are Mike Penceā€™s fly (in an lol way) and Trump 2016 vs Hillary (which lit of the right wing derposphere).

imo, she might have gained a few points of equity last night.


I really donā€™t understanding anyone attacking Harris on a ā€˜lack of policyā€™ when 95% of Trumpā€™s schtick is, ā€œIf I were President this would never have happenedā€ and just saying ā€œWhen Iā€™m President Iā€™ll fix itā€


Oh yeah, well trump had one of this vibrating thingies up his ass that can buzz morse code messages. Not to cheat, he just wanted it there. Sorry for the kink shame.


Btw, there was some pre debate mention that the was some kind of special guest planned for the Dems. People joked about it, but I assume this was some kind of oblique reference to Taylor Swift.

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She had excellent nonverbal reactions


Just seems easy to refute that attack with ā€œYou were president for four years.ā€ Even the dumbest of the dumb know the president has an infinitely greater impact compared to the vp.

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Sheā€™s a woman.


Yes, but on the issues that she is weakest on in polling - border, economy mainly - people think he did and will do a better job, so you canā€™t just say ā€œwell you were president!ā€ because then that just opens the door for him to say yes, and the border was better, and inflation was low blah blah blah. And for people to say to themselves oh yeah, these issues were better then. Which all have counterpoints that you can prepare, but thatā€™s why I think you donā€™t even bring up he was President (unless itā€™s just all about how it chaos and his generals say he was terrible etc. etc.).

I would answer the ā€œwhy havenā€™t you done it the last 3 years?ā€ with concrete accomplishments you plan to build on. Inflation reduction act has lowered inflation. Measures we took ensured our inflation increase was lower than the rest of the world. We negotiated a bipartisan immigration bill that you killed for politics. And we will continue to work on these issues in the next 4. Etc. etc.

The above assumes all this debate stuff matters, which it may not.

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The problem with a second debate is that even if Kamala wins handily but itā€™s not as curb-stompy is this one, thereā€™ll be all sorts of self-fulfilling talk about Trump ā€œgaining momentumā€ or some shit.

I mean itā€™s fine to keep it as an option if the polls donā€™t budge or if they keep drifting back towards Trump because people have goldfish brains, but I wouldnā€™t do it unless it seems absolutely necessary.

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In the midst of everything else that happened, I havenā€™t seen much commentary on how hard Trump went into his ā€œAmerica sucksā€ message. Not sure how that plays with people.