Prepping for the future

There is a wide range of outcomes between where we are now and ‘it’s time to leave the country’. I already got ready to leave the country once in 2019-2020 so I know it won’t be super hard for me.

I’m talking about prepping for everything in between. My skillset/career isn’t transferable and neither is yours unless NFT’s keep popping off forever.

Is anyone else an online poker pro besides me? Haven’t been anywhere near baller status for awhile but still pull in a nice salary that goes really far in foreign countries that are a lot cheaper than the USA.

I see a lot of chatter about live poker in the poker thread, but not much about online.

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I quit at black friday, but I wasn’t very good. My current job could be done remote, but I would lose literally all of my career upside.

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What’s a nice salary? 80k?

So much this.

My gf is from China, and while she doesn’t disagree with me that America will decline into autocracy, she feels like we’re powerless to change it and the worst case outcome is we will become something like China or Russia. It sucks, but as long as you’re comfortable, it’s generally not bad enough that it’s worth leaving.

But the immediate post-9/11 US is the only thing that gives me pause about her theory. In the wake of a minor national emergency, the American mainstream immediately supported authoritarianism, full stop, and about half the population advocated genocide. If 9/11 happened in 2021+, it would make McCarthyism look like a tea party, especially under a Republican administration.


Lately, yah more like 80k, but taken as an average over the past 10 years, more like 40k. I think the quarantines and crypto money has been good for the online games.

The nice thing about living abroad is that 40k in the center of Mexico City probably goes farther than 100k in the center of an appealing (for me) American city like Denver, Austin, Portland, etc. I can save a nice chunk here and still have a great quality of life.

I am. I don’t even know how much I make other than it’s less than 100k, but enough to keep me happy with money for hobbies and some savings.

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In this context, “preppers” commonly refers to doomsday preppers or survivalists, whose focus is on amassing supplies and gathering skills to survive during a complete breakdown of society. They tend to really, really like guns and plan for a future resembling landscapes from post-apocalyptic movies such as Mad Max.


I wouldn’t want to live off-grid in some remote location unless I had to. What I’d like is to live in a nice on-grid location that can be converted to off-grid if things go bad.

If a 9/11 size event happens under a Democratic administration the right will call it a false flag. They’re only for authoritarianism where they choose the authority.


80k for online poker in 2021 is pretty badass unless it’s infinite hours per week for sure

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You’re so close…


This kind of misses the point that large swaths of the world are preferable to live in compared to most of the US now regardless. Leaving will not be some major step down in quality of life for most of us except when you factor in earning potential. Which is why I advocate saving as much money as possible (and maybe not in USD).

If you live on the coasts I guess it’s fine but Oklahoma is not better than living in basically any place I have traveled to and I have been a lot of places.


First of all, selling some of my collection is just a necessary part of my life plan right now. That is independent of whether or not I can get a homestead going. I’m not giving up on music. It’s a natural transition for beatheads to move on to root music and predominantly instrumental works especially if you want to produce.

I also clearly stated in my post that this is a dream of mine that is apart from survivalist planning. I personally think that it will be therapy since its the opposite of so many craven ways in which we currently live.

Having a lightweight carbine is just a smart idea if you are going to spend significant time off grid. It’s not about amassing large amounts. If you don’t currently have ammo, it is a challenge to find it right now. If you’re making a list of things you need, it just makes sense to focus on the more difficult ones to get first. Of course, I don’t look down on a right wing prepper any more than I do someone who will trade their privacy for superflous apps.

Obviously, you could also run an off grid location without a firearm. Not even sure why that even has to be said. Saying you will voluntarily give in to Darwin is pretty lol and would end a large amount of any discussion currently held itf. Applying that attitude to covid protocols is an obvious example off the top of my head.

The point about online poker is the best point made in this thread and legit. I’m planning on playing live until its dry and then converting.


If we’re lucky a bunch of the good people in the US will move to Canada. Canada needs a much larger population anyway, and a self selected group of progressives from the US would be pretty sweet.

It’s currently not that hard to immigrate to Canada I think. I might get harder if 10 million people try all at once.



What are these scenarios that’s going to cause prices to shoot up?

i would prep for things like an earthquake, rather than for the zombie apocalypse or total breakdown of society.

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We are just talking about the total breakdown of society in one country. One that is having all the signs of not only heading there but a large swath of the population rooting for it. That kind of breakdown has happened many many times with much larger consequences than any earthquake.

If I was going to get myself all worked up about all kinds of crazy disastrous shit, I’d start with the climate issues such as water and disease and a fight for healthcare and resources on that front over earthquakes.

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