Prepping for the future

So if we assess continued Federal decay as likely, then perhaps our first priority is to make sure we have the food, clothing, shelter, and thermal regulation required to weather three days of continuous power outage. I’m still kinda lost as to how we get to Gulags right away. Sustained decay seems likely to me.

One of the most fascinating things we are witnessing is the degradation in confidence in our institutions. I don’t mean among the right–that is an engineered, deliberate thing, with somewhat well-understood causes.

But think about this forum. Remember how closely we all followed Mueller’s probe into the Trump administration? It is bizarre to even think about a time just a few years ago where I actually had that much trust that the system would repel obvious bad actors in power. Its actual function is more or less the opposite.


I’m not forecasting doom as much as many of you, but my wife and I just watched The Handmaid’s Tale (which I don’t recommend, it just made me miserable), and there were definitely parts where I thought, “Yeah, some of this is possible. Lotta white guys in the US would love this.”


This is why we need a Great Replacement.

i’m a powerball man and i like those odds


Yeah mine is gone. Institutions that tolerate extremely direct blatant attacks on themselves typically don’t remain institutions for long.

100% agree and if you have the resources to buy a plot of land (2-3 acres +) you are entering Darwin territory if you don’t.

A lot of this has been discussed in the homesteading thread but you need to initially decide what resources are the rarest and start there first. That’s most likely going to be ammo for however many firearms you are going to have.

Im in a mtt right now but will post more on this later.

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Supply chain shortages are a common denominator in almost every timeline that leads to us needing to off grid to survive.

I will admit this is a fantasy of mine since worst case scenario I can live in a solar powered off grid location and make beats out of a collection of ancient, dusty, rare grooves and nature sounds. Grow nugs and caps.

@zarapochka you can be the queen of mushrooms at the UP compound.


Lol sorry I’m just going to be your friendly neighborhood logistics warlord.

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I know we are having fun here but I’m serious about this for myself.

I’ve been procastinating selling a sizable hip hop vinyl collection to roll myself for live poker. I’ve started working on it and plan on grinding as much as possible this next year to finance what I can.

Land is still affordable but that could change quickly. If you can finance, you’re good since if things get sideways the only thing that will matter is getting there and defense.

I’m not sure about most on this board but the tension in the air is tangible in my life. Someone empties a clip at least once a week just across the interstate I live next to.

Everywhere I drive it feels like mad max and big trucks are rampaging around bigly.

It’s really hard to escape the feeling that we are at multiple saturation points and things are just itching to burst.

Can you drop some advice for seed banking? The good kind or any kind for that matter.

You’re not going to start your own farm after society falls apart. Haven’t you seen Connections?

Doomsday Prepping for the Future


This is more like the planning I will do.

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How is this thread any different than right wing preppers? You guys are just on the other side of some funky looking curve.


Just plant a few extra plum trees in your garden and make sure you have enough leeches.


There was no other thread. I just find it interesting to see folks on a fairly progressive forum talking about getting droned, put in trains, and buying acreage to defend.


Don’t you live off grid on acreage?

I moved into town at the beginning of pandemic :) Now an old farmhouse with grid supplied electricity and everything!

Definitely appreciate the irony tho :slight_smile:


Man, if I have to start going through this shit just to survive then I’ll gladly allow Darwin to claim me as one of his victims.


Not sure I get the staying in the country falling apart and defending land with guns stuff tbh. In modern times there have always been safe havens from the collapsing country. If the US falls or goes somewhere totally dark your safest bet is to just GTFO. To me planning for the likely decline into horrifying fascism doesn’t go any farther than saving resources to leave and researching the easiest/best places to leave to and/or get dual citizenship.

I also don’t think it’s a forgone conclusion the US descends into chaos but it seems a semi-likely possibility that I think you would be foolish to at least not do the bare minimum planning for. Save money and make sure your passport has lots of years on it seem like the only things really needed at this point to me.