POTUS BOWL 2020: One More Dawn, One More Meme, One Meme More!

1,000+ texts sent to Texas so far today for me. If you are sitting on your computer or phone with nothing to do, go text or phone bank for Joe or any of the congressional candidates. It’s time to GOTV for all those lazy people who didn’t early vote!


for my fellow lawbros


Hah, I just told my team that I had enough work for the week because I probably wasn’t getting much done the next couple of days.

I have no idea :frowning:

I live in Michigan and have been contacted by dem texters about 10X in the last 3 days and only a couple republicans. While I’m sure that text banking is better than nothing, it’s approaching obnoxious spam levels here. Trying to find harder to reach voters is likely more valuable at this point.


Link for those of us that want to help?


I feel like the car isn’t the issue. They had tents set up which would be the structures in question. Whether you can drive a car into a structure or not seems irrelevant.

But shrug

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Yes, just like Biden has a slightly better chance of winning South Carolina, MIssouri, Montana, and Alaska then Trump does of winning Wisconsin. .

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Highly recommend the Ray Charles version of America, the Beautiful. He flips the third verse to the first. I found it looking for some pre-game music for tomorrow. My playlist is a mix of Americana sung by people of color or with a liberal perspective, along with RATM, Fuck Tha Police, Hamilton, etc.

Anyway, Ray Charles…

Oh beautiful, for heroes proved,
in liberating strife,
Who more than self, their country loved,
and mercy more than life.

America, America may God thy gold refine,
'Til all success be nobleness,
And every gain divined.

Man hearing him sing that hits me right in the feels. It puts a more broad and poignant meaning on “liberating strife” because you have to imagine he’s not just thinking about the Revolutionary War, which I’m sure is what most white people think of - if they’ve ever even heard that verse.

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I lasted one day off twitter. I did spend most of covid off twitter - so once this election is over…

It’s true though. I mean this shouldn’t be even close to close, but any possible challenge to this should have been made, you know, before people used it to vote.


The argument that making it easier to vote in some counties dilutes the vote in other counties that “follow state law” - sure seems like it could be gamed by state laws that make it much much easier to vote in less populous counties.



Ben Ginsburg was just on CNN about this. He filed an amicus brief in the case… against the republicans.

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Can someone explain to me why this works?

I’m not doubting it, and I totally apprecaiate the people who are doing it, but my brain just can’t grok how it’s possible that there are still people waiting for just one more text message to motivate them off their butts.

Or are peple getting texted for the first time still?

Of all the damn times NOT to be given an extra hour to wallow in anxiety.


Conservatives want to have it every which way when it comes to voting differences by county & state. They want to use it as a tool for voter suppression when it benefits them and then scream about equal protection when it doesn’t.



I put in my name and ICE knocked at the door


What’s funny is that Democrats lost a ruling like two weeks ago on mail in ballots based on the idea that letting 65 year olds be able to use mail in ballots without a reason while everyone else has was unfair. The court ruled that just because 65 year olds have it easier doesn’t mean anyone else’s right to vote had been made harder