POTUS BOWL 2020: One More Dawn, One More Meme, One Meme More!

looks like we need to bink a big Biden lead in an under-poled state to get to clearly favored


Both have thrown everything and the kitchen sink at PA at this point. Iā€™d say MI but theyā€™ve been there a lot too.

If heā€™s gonna YOLOā€“NC not OH.

God itā€™s ridiculous, theyā€™d have to lose like VA for OH to even matter.

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Ok, can somebody (again) explain to me how he declares victory when no actual state will report 100% unless/until they count 100% of the votes? Like heā€™s going to be ahead in PA by 7% with 53% of the vote in and say he won? No decision desk, not even the Fox one, is going to be counting same day votes as total votes, and no calls of states will be made unless all the votes are counted or they can otherwise project wins.

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Looked it up and I guess youā€™re right. Those were favorability ratings. My guess is a lot of Republicans didnā€™t view him favorably but 99% still voted for him because at least he isnā€™t Hillary.

but yeah the ones who didnā€™t view him favorably approve now because he got a bunch of Republican establishment shit done. I donā€™t think that changes the votes much though, they were all still voting for him both times.

To me the new votes will be hispanic voters, some black voters actually, previously unengaged people all in on the culture war, and conspiracy theorists. Honestly if we didnā€™t win a ton of olds because of Rona weā€™d be in big trouble

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How you been man? Why havenā€™t you been posting much?

I just realized this should have been a PM


Is there/will there be a separate thread for BOLD PREDICTIONS and MAPZ?


Probably heā€™ll use Twitter.


Up to almost 20 is what Iā€™ve heard he could be up in PA before the mail thunderdome starts.

Itā€™s like the Jets declare victory at halftime and all the other teams points donā€™t count.

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if georgia and north carolina go to trump iā€™m going to bed early. no way itā€™s over by dawn if weā€™re waiting for michigan and pa to call

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I mean for sure heā€™ll be tweeting nonsense about them being busy printing out new ballots or ā€œfindingā€ them (his quotes not mine) nonstop, accomplishing nothing but maybe inciting a riot or three.

We may be but your parents are wrong. Itā€™s why gambling is a thing because people are stupid at this kind of stuff.

I just mean, what is the headline going to be: Emperor Regeneron takes a 20% lead in PA with 28% of the votes counted, declares victory. Does not compute.

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Long shot but does anyone know of articles/how the derposphere took to getting crushed in 2018? Would be interesting. No way they ā€œaccepted itā€ right? Illegals voting?

Think it was basically ā€œwho cares, couldnā€™t vote for emperor Trump.ā€

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Trump wasnā€™t on the ballot in 2018 thatā€™s what everyone points to


This plus " we won the senate "


They never really cared all that much because Dear Leader wasnā€™t on the ballot. The MAGA cultists are going to be orders of magnitude more cheesed of if their idol loses this one.


Was about to say this, they pivoted to pretending picking up a couple seats in the Senate was somehow more important than losing a whole chamber.
