POTUS BOWL 2020: One More Dawn, One More Meme, One Meme More!


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The networks and everybody else (other than the obvious Fox type media) better report on this accurately, and with a simple to understand narrative. I know, sweet summer child and all.

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“Donald Trump, king of premature enunciations, claims victory amidst signs of a landslide defeat”

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good article, spells it all out. We GOT THIS SHIT


That‘s some serious FPS right there.

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I mean…I get that it can be a little annoying to be the butt of a joke…but I think that’s all it is. You’re taking that thread too seriously.

And even if you’re right and I’m the one misunderstanding things, that means that he should have a couple flagged posts along with yours. It doesn’t mean that you and others should be free to post content-free abuse.

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Well hard to blame me for not knowing when even 538 is publishing stuff like this:

And this is at the top of a search for “were the 2016 Presidential polls wrong”.

My parents both have post-graduate degrees and they truly think polls have no value at all.

We are in a small minority on this stuff.


My main worry is that I think if Biden doesn’t win PA by at least 5% he’s going to lose it in the courts (i have zero faith in the courts). The map where Biden doesn’t have PA is a lot harder for him to win. A lot of the arguments saying ‘Biden will win’ are putting the recount territory in the order of fractions of a percent, rather than whole percentage points. As soon as Trump is ahead in PA at the end of Tuesday and calls himself winner all hell is going to break lose, even when Biden pulls ahead from the vote counting, Trump will call riggage and it goes to courts. Basically the only way I see this election being decided before December/January is if Biden wins PA by like 10%+ or he wins decisively in one of the other tipping-point states, which are both unlikely events.


Surely if Biden crushes everyone will go back to believing polls, right, right???

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Probably a dumb question but didn’t a bunch, or at least a few, traditionally R seats in PA flip to blue? Why does it seem so close now? Just riggage?

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There was a dipshit parade in San Jose this morning too, my wife and one of our roommates yelled at them to fuck off for a few minutes. Fun times.

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Trump et al. are already laying the groundwork to claim Biden’s win only happened because of massive voter fraud

People always believe their side will win. Always will.

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Chill out man. Sabo is not worth the stress. He is pure troll to be sure but the least interesting or incendiary kind. He basically just talks to himself 90% of the time. He is boring as hell but mostly harmless.


Paranoia imo. We won the midterms just fine. It’s gonna be disputed and fought tooth and nail, of course, potentially even by magatards on the ground, but if it’s Biden+1 or more, it’ll count as a win. D’s have the relevant levers of power in PA, and there doesn’t appear to be the institutional will to keep Trump in office. Like, Trump right now is having a sad that Bill Barr won’t announce investigations into Biden. When even a hack like Barr balks at your orders, you’re not gonna get the courts to throw out 100k ballots from Philly or whatever.


This has basically been my line the entire time.

The easiest explanation is that Trump barely beat a terrible candidate in 2016. Trump is less popular than he was in 2016, Biden is more popular than Clinton, and the electorate is less hospitable to Trump than it was in 2016.

Can anyone find something wrong with any part of this statement? If it’s true, what’s Trump’s path to victory other than cheating?


There isn’t one and hasn’t been for months. The only question left is can they cheat enough to overcome the size of the defeat on Tuesday.

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The moral majority is neither

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