“Your honor while I do not cast any uncouth motives upon opposing counsel, this facially neutral standard has the perhaps unintended effect of limiting the ability of African Americans to vote.”

“Mr. Starr?”

“I am deeply offended by the insinuation of counsel and will be referring this matter for sanctions. On the issue before the court, fuck you!!!”

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One big takeaway from the Transition Integrity Project’s simulations was just how much power Trump has at his disposal should he choose to contest the election. “You have just a tremendous differential between the president of the United States of America, who has just awesome coercive powers at his disposal, and a challenger who really has no power whatsoever in our system,” said Brooks. “Joe Biden can call a press conference; Donald Trump could call on the 82nd Airborne.”

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And at least half the Republicans will believe it’s the right thing to happen because Antifa stole the election.

Trump is doing his best to catch Rona. There’s still time for him to die before November. Fingers crossed.

Hmm. Good for informal data collect itt.


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In less than 4 years, the Trump admin has torn down nearly every single perceived ‘institution’ in this country, especially separation of powers, the key component in our Constitutional Democracy. They just need 5 years to finish the job, and the GOP Senate ceded oversight of the Executive Branch in hopes that the voters would endorse that. When presidential historians see this unique problem as the threat it is, but the regulars don’t, it might be time to take a step back to evaluate their claims.

The voters can actually reject the Senate making Trump a dictator at the same time they removed their representation while still being taxed on February 5, 2020. They won’t be able to do that beyond 2020 because they will have endorsed the destruction of the separation of powers. A no vote here means you don’t think Congress should exist and that you’re fine with the president being a King. If that’s what you actually think, then by all means don’t vote, but know what it actually means in this election. This election isn’t about policy and never was going to be. That starts in 2022 if Trump is gone.

FRRC is an organization that is helping ex-convicts in Florida pay fines and fees that could otherwise prevent them from voting.

It’s ridiculous that we have an office with as much power as the president has.

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I mean, there is a pretty good check in the form of impeachment. Alas.

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It’s nuts how much power the president has in your system. It’s a huge negative for it being a healthy democracy as it inverts incentives on all sides.

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Build Back Better Biden But Bullshit


It theoretically wasn’t designed that way. During the 1793 yellow fever epidemic Washington and advisors were worried that adjourning congress to york(?) pa was outside the presidential power.

But of course some presidents that refused to use presidential power on claims in constitutionality (pierce and Buchanan during pre civil war times) are remembered poorly while activist presidents—Lincoln both Roosevelts, Wilson are generally hailed.

we get what we deserve.

Today is the first day I truly believe Trump will win.

Biden is up 5-7 points in the highest quality polls. Shave off the 3-4% electoral collage disadvantage and Biden is anywhere from 1-4 points up.

This following the most disastrous month imaginable for Trump. He called dead soldiers losers, he called his generals pussies, hes on fucking tape lying about the virus.

Do you guys think Bill Barr can round up 1-4% of the vote? Because that’s a god damn guarantee. Do you think Ron DeSantis is going to let Joe Biden win Florida? Do you think the racist fuckwits in rural Wisconsin and Michigan and Pennsylvania and Ohio are going to do anything other than come home to daddy? How about all the racist olds? They’re all coming home.

Shit’s not looking good, guys.


I love you but I hate you.

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I’ve been feeling that way too, and I think I’ll probably have to completely check out of following anything closely if that is what ends up happening. Trump is so clearly ratcheting up the insanity, promoting fascism, and encouraging chaos. He does it all to thousands and thousands of cheering fans who want nothing more than to see him squash the libs in every way possible.

Good news, a whole bunch of them will never vote again.


J! Commercials. Philly market

1 social security a sacred commitment to our seniors. Trump is threatening to end. Biden will protect.

  1. We need affordable health care and health care protections more than ever-Biden
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I’m still relatively optimistic about the election. Trump hasn’t expanded his base, he barely won in 2016 going up against the WOAT candidate with an assist from Comey. Whether he leaves office voluntarily is another matter.


2 Biden signs popped up at an old retired farmer’s house nearby. I would bet a lot he’s a lifelong republican. And there are 2-3x as many Biden signs as there were Clinton signs here in rural Ohio. I’m clinging to that for hope.


all that matters is the specific states, and he’s still very comfortable in all the ones that matter. I wish florida looked better but midwest is still looking very good along with PA/AZ.

Plenty of others in play still too that shouldnt be for Biden.

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This is my map currently. I have PA or WI as most likely tipping point states.