“If I lose like this it’s whatever.”



I do not believe a child called her a fat whore.

Bernie dropped out in April man Wat In God is this shit?


That’s literally, legitimately depressing.




We had one for prez. He got fucked. Because they knew this:

So as we get closer to the election it is getting more apparent we need a “In which we re-re-re-re-relitigate the primaries” thread

Woah, I got so caught up in the relitigating that I forgot about the election.

That’d require an initial litigation to conclude first.

We’ve been litigating this shit since the South Carolina Primary which was

February 29, 2020

god was that even this year…

Right, and everybody went full Westworld so the first litigation never concluded.

Which, I get. That shit was horrific.

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How much litigation do we really need?

Fact: A majority of voters voted for establishment candidates.

Obvious: The establishment colluded to fuck Bernie. They didn’t cheat him, but they fucked him.

Obvious: A majority of Democratic primary voters preferred Biden to Bernie.

Obvious: We’re now voting for the very life of this fragile democratic country. The only way we get a progressive president next time is to get Biden this time.

Worth Noting: Bernie had four years to work on getting more support from black voters and failed. As a Bernie voter in '16 and '20, this was very disappointing. Also, I think people underestimated the degree to which his 2016 support was due to sexism and hatred of Hillary. I’m not blaming him for the sexism, but it’s pretty clear given what we’ve seen the last four years that the sexism and anti-Hillary sentiment runs deep.

I say that as someone who does not like her much at all.

Also Worth Noting: It was obvious they were going to try to fuck him going in, so if the plan was to win the primary with a fairly small plurality, that was never going to work.

That’s all the litigating we really need. Hopefully progressives learn from Bernie’s failure here, and Warren’s as well.


I didn’t respond initially because I knew you would do a better job than I would. I mean we have UP primary polls where Biden didn’t get a single first or second place vote. No one here is happy Biden is the nominee.

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Correct. Like he was only ahead of Bloomberg, Delaney and Marianne Williamson for me that I recall. I was crushed when he won. But here we are…

I also am smart enough to know the establishment had more voters than the progressives and we need to expand that electorate, or we’ll never get one through. They aren’t going to let us win one 40-35-25 or anything like that.

It seems like the hardcore Bernie people think the path to success is to sit out the general every time 35-40% isn’t enough to win the primary. That’s just not productive.


A drone is a remote-controlled airplane and this gotcha should’ve been left on the drawing board.

I don’t know about “need” but it’s this:

It’s yet to be reckoned with. And it might not ever be, but there it is.

Do you actually want to talk about what we’re actually talking about? I’m serious, because it gets really depressing, really fast.

Yeah and in so doing they also made sure the majority of the primary voters got the type of candidate (establishment) that they wanted. Bernie or Liz had to win a 3+ way race with two establishment candidates chopping each other up.

Young people don’t turn out to vote. As someone who has always done so it annoys me, but that’s how it is. Bernie needed to do better among older black voters, or turn out younger voters at a high rate. He did not manage to do so.

The autocracy-gg-democracy business is starting to feel like laid-on-thick propaganda.

There will definitely be an “election.” Most people will probably even think it’s as legit as our usual ones.

But if you think the shenanigans and weaponization of the DOJ, USPS, etc are bad now…

Bloomberg calls Trump’s bluff to spend $100 million of his own (LOL) money on the campaign by announcing he will spend $100 million in Florida:
