jesus mothertittybuttsheepfucking christ


Kasich, BOTH Clintons? and not a single fucking person under age 50.


Wow Pete sure seems to be getting absolutely nothing out of colluding to nuke Bernie



“Democrats are also reaching out to well-known military veterans and Republicans known for their national security expertise for a portion of the convention devoted to foreign policy.”


Also doubling down on the “LGBT isn’t included in ‘diversity’” bullshit. Not a single LGBT person on the list to speak. Way to piss off your most reliable voting and donor bloc, DNC

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the funniest thing about all you haters was claiming he was an “establishment” democrat.

Time and again the actual establishment has demonstrated that he most definitely is not.

I believe Bill has always spoke at the convention since though I think it’s fine if they passed on him this time. I wouldn’t have done Hillary but someone on the net made a good point that she still has a lot of fans. I agree there’s plenty of people they could’ve used under 50 and they should’ve gotten at least one, with a crowd they certainly would’ve.

wine caves for billionaires places him squarely with the old guard

and of course the whole taking a phone call from Obama so he could drop out with more delegates to endorse the establishment figure with less. If you want people to drop the whole association with Pete thing maybe you shouldn’t make posts disingenuously painting him as an outsider after all that went down

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Let’s be clear, Pete is getting rejected by the establishment in spite of his willingness to sell out to it.


Bernie wasn’t in the meme, so I assume he made the cut.

I am stunned Pete isn’t speaking what in the world? Was he promised Secretary of State?!

Obviously angling for SecDef not some silly DNC speech.

They should really find a place for him, he was very good at doing the concern trolling over universal programs. The man really knew how to put political speak around reasons why we can’t join the developed world in providing health care for our citizens.

And who could forget when he dismissed free college because it would also apply to the “children of millionaires and billionaires”? I mean this guy is a serious all-star at telling poor people why they can’t have good things while he hangs out with billionaires in wine caves. He is a perfect tool for the establishment to use.


how do you still play poker and not understand something basic like just because you have a few more chips in a freezeout tournament doesn’t mean you shove allin vs a superior hand in the 2nd orbit.

He’s teaming with Kasich for some kumbaya bullshit.

@BadPokerAnalogy to the thread asap

If you want an actual good poker analogy, Pete oversold action to his supporters knowing he would never cash the tournament


OMG we are never going to be rid of the Clintons. Jesus, no one likes you, go away.


Joe was going to get more than Pete and everyone except you has figured this out.


In a really good year 60% of eligible voters cast a ballot. Democrats conclude it’s a zero sum game and focus all their efforts on stealing from the other team.

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lmao I thought this is how you must still play them.

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Ok bud, I hope the DNC is paying you to defend the establishment fucking that screwed over poor people