When the party selected candidate can’t be trusted to talk or do things that seems like a problem.


Also Trump/RNC are lying about the million doors.


Election is all going to come down to how well BACK TO SCHOOL works. I’m assuming the uptick is because Trump is promising BACK TO SCHOOL. I can’t see Trump winning (legitimately) if BACK TO SCHOOL is half the disaster I’m expecting.


538 has the national polling averages at Biden 50.0, Trump 42.5. A recent Rasmussen cough bullshit cough poll with Biden at +3 could be driven the BBC chart.



That is just about the worst way to say that I can think of. I get what he’s trying to say, and said correctly it’s not offensive. Own goal and it’s not funny.

It’s an absurd thing to say and it’s in no way obviously true, hell there are lots of Hispanic Black people. The closest you can get is that Black people more uniformly vote for Democrats.

Biden sucks and needs to keep his mouth shut and we need to just hope for the worst for Trump.


Hahaha we’re in danger



Eh. African American turnout might be impacted by living through a significant chapter of the eventual exhaustive history book ‘Crimes against Black people by Capitalist America 1619-reparations’ written in 2380.

I know this sucks, but this doesn’t hurt him anywhere near as much as you think he does. Obviously or we’d have a different nominee.

Our best hope is a candidate that has 89 days to inappropriately touch a woman on camera, a headline that would surprise nobody. Creepy Joe is a well earned moniker (and we are in danger).

Why is Joe Biden talking?


Shit the hell up, Joe. FFS.

Because the braintrust said he needs to present a positive message.

Once again, blame the establishment for rigging the primary for a dumbass that can’t even be allowed to speak in public. Completely rigged. We are a laughingstock thanks to Back room deals at the DNC. Thanks Pete, thanks Obama, thanks Liz

Yes, totally the DNC’s fault that Bernie couldn’t beat Joe HUHU. This coming from a Bernie supporter.


Are you being sarcastic? Why do you think it went heads up?

Pete dropped out having already secured more delegates than Joe. To my knowledge, this has never happened before. You think this was a move to secure policy for his people, or just a way to move up in the establishment that wanted the field narrowed? He invalidated a ton of his supporter’s votes on Super Tuesday.

“Obama spoke with his former vice president after he handily won the South Carolina primary on Saturday, and with Pete Buttigieg on Sunday when he dropped out of the Democratic race, according to people familiar with the calls.”

This phone call was made, as a result Medicare For All is not in the DNC platform, despite having support from 88% of Democrats.

Warren broke her “no SuperPAC” promise that was made at a debate only a few months prior to take 16 million dollars from PersistPAC to prop up her dying campaign through Super Tuesday. Now she’s high in the running for a Biden VP slot.

The best word to refer to what went on with this primary is “rigged”. It was rigged for rich donors, aka the establishments interests. The result of the rigging is that the rich will get richer and the poor, sick, and homeless in this country will have to wait longer to get basic economic rights.

There are people on this board who will refer to the Warren/Jurvetson/PersistPAC debacle as just how politics works. These people are all well-off, with a house and health insurance and a safety net. They will never understand being destitute. So of course when the poors clamor for the same basic rights as other developed countries, they tell them they don’t understand politics and they just have to wait for incremental change.



So are you voting for Trump?

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Shut the fuck up


Don’t we already have a thread for this?