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When I was a kid we ran Halloween. The adults feared us and our soap, eggs and TP Arsenal.

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Jesus. Kamala was in the bus?

The more likely issue in PA is Republican county officials just decide to not bother counting mail in votes, the governor orders them to, and then it goes to SCOTUS, who agrees with the county.

I know I’m like the Neville Chamberlain of this thread at this point, but I think that’s really unlikely too. Not the Supreme Court part, the part where the local elections officials just decide, fuck it, we’re not counting absentees.

The thing is that Dems (like de Blasio) refuse to fire cops who don’t follow orders and let shit like that road rage thing happen.


I don’t think either candidate was, I assume they’d be flanked by a Secret Service motorcade.

I don’t think it’s all that likely, either, just more likely than SCOTUS trying to intervene in the initial count directly.

I fear historians will look back on the last 20 years in a similar way to how we now view the lead up to World War I. That the total meltdown is obvious in hindsight and while one inciting incident is the direct cause of a massive tragedy, all the underlying conditions made an eventual disaster inevitable.

I hope not.


I have a lot of experience with low level republican government officials in the Northeast. They’re generally just dumb, but they see themselves as the good guys. Intentionally not counting votes would be a bridge too far for most of them, IMO.

I doubt it. Secret Service would’ve crushed some traitorous skulls.

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That’s not exactly how it goes down. It’s more like Trump rages about fraudulent mail-in ballots on 11/4, issues some kind of demand/order/suggestion/tweet saying the counts must stop. Some local Republicans issue a statement that they will be following the directive of the president, etc etc.

I’m not saying it’s > 50% to happen but it’s > 0% and it’s not gonna be “fuck it we won’t count them.”

It’s going to be like “After careful consideration and consultation with the legal teams of both candidates we have determined that the authenticity of these votes cannot be trusted. As a result we are following the direction of President Trump, who clearly has the best interest of the country and our democratic process and elections are heart, and only counting in-person votes. While it is unfortunate that some authentic mail-in votes may be lost in the process, we cannot allow the many thousands of fraudulent votes to slip through the cracks. Our very democracy is at stake.”

Van Jones: This is an outrage!

Rick Santorum: They make some good points.

CNN: You decide at home!

The republican local officials in charge of running these elections at the local level have thus far largely bristled at the President’s attacks on mail-in voting. I just don’t see that changing post-election. Add to that the fact that the AG and Gov of PA are both dems, and the risk goes very close to zero. Also the AG of PA is both highly effective and widely liked on a bipartisan basis.

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Something else to keep in mind about republican local government officials in the Northeast. In a lot of these counties, it is total one party control without any possibility of a dem ever winning. That means that people who want to go into local politics must run as a republican, and try to win a primary. These primaries are not fought over national issues, but local ones, and name recognition, popularity in the community, etc. You frequently end up with local “republican” officials who are not actually died in the wool deplorables as a result.

I’m lacing this year’s Halloween candy with ecstasy


Up from 0% sure. I think it’s a very low number. He’s not good at any of this and the people he would need hate him. I don’t think he has much showdown value and if he loses it goes a lot worse for him than it probably would have.


964,000 people represent about 32% of the state’s 3 million registered voters — and that’s well above the 531,000 people who cast ballots in the early voting period for the 2016 presidential race. By comparison, only 386,000 voted early for last year’s hotly contested governor’s race and other statewide elections.

Forty-four percent of the early vote announced Wednesday — or 425,000 ballots cast — came from Democrats, who make up 41% of registered voters. Republicans represented 37% of the early voters — 361,000 ballots cast — and make up 33% of Louisiana’s voter registration.

Just over 2 million people voted total in 2016.

My pony was run off the road

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