super cool


How do these idiots keep getting money to do this shit?

Voter rolls cost a lot.

Welp who’s ready for the longest 10 weeks in history?

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Oh dear I hope it’s only 10 weeks.

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They work for the 1%. The better question is where is the counter messaging? Dems should be calling this out in a huge way, including with ad buys.

Depending on the state, if he grifted by running for any public office he’d probably be able to get the voter list for free. You’re not supposed to use it for anything but your election but I would guess there are quite a few scummy people who use that data for non-personal election related stuff who never get caught.

When they go low we go high! The eDems simply don’t want to lower themselves to ugly retail politics.

I think this is increasingly likely:

269-269 with Trump winning Arizona/Wisconsin/Florida.

Honestly that would probably be one of the worst outcomes. Imagine the shit storm that would happen if Biden is elected by the house after an EC tie. There would 100% be blood on the streets.

I thought it went to each state house of representatives for a majority vote?

0% chance Biden would be elected by the House.

Pursuant to the 12th Amendment, the House of Representatives is required to go into session immediately after the counting of the electoral votes to vote for president if no candidate for the office receives a majority of the electoral votes. In this event, the House is limited to choosing from among the three candidates who received the most electoral votes. Each state delegation votes en bloc , with each state having a single vote.

Republicnas have more House delegations and it’s not going to change.

If it’s tied Trump will be President for another four years.

Each state delegation gets one vote. They would elect Trump.

Edit: my pony gets zero votes.

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Heh, just read that the Senate elects the VP separately, so could have Harris serving under President Trump.

Not that it matters, but does the new house decide, or the old house?


Section 3 of the 20th Amendment specifies that if the House of Representatives has not chosen a president-elect in time for the inauguration (noon on January 20), then the vice president-elect becomes acting president until the House selects a president. Section 3 also specifies that Congress may statutorily provide for who will be acting president if there is neither a president-elect nor a vice president-elect in time for the inauguration. Under the Presidential Succession Act of 1947, the Speaker of the House would become acting president until either the House selects a president or the Senate selects a vice president.

from Imgflip Meme Generator

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Yea I know how it works. Not saying there’s any chance it happens, but if it did there would almost certainly be a violent uprising. We have a shot of fading violence if either candidate wins outright.

Increasing likely in the sense that the universe is infinite and anything is possible? Imo there’s no world in which Biden wins NE-02 while losing ME-02 and Arizona/Wisconsin. If he’s losing those he’s losing badly enough to lose NE-02 pretty easily I think.

Not new to anyone here, but Nate plays around with some numbers with regards to in-person voting results vs mail vote results:

Obviously five three one doesn’t go far enough:

If this holds, it would mean votes cast on Election Day would skew heavily toward Trump, and votes cast by mail would skew heavily toward Biden. This has serious implications for … well, democracy. First, Trump could argue the mail ballots (which, remember, could account for most of Biden’s votes) were fraudulent and thus should not be counted. (…) Second, it could mean the first votes counted on election night will be disproportionately good for Trump, who might claim victory based on incomplete returns.

Fixed that for you:

If this holds, it would mean votes cast on Election Day would skew heavily toward Trump, and votes cast by mail would skew heavily toward Biden. This has serious implications for … well, democracy. First, Trump will argue the mail ballots (which, remember, could account for most of Biden’s votes) were fraudulent and thus should not be counted. (…) Second, it will mean the first votes counted on election night will be disproportionately good for Trump, who will claim victory and start a new civil war before accepting the results of THE BIGLIEST ELECTION FRAUD IN THE HISTORY OF THE USA!!!.


That’s easy… I done it at the start of this forum and they ALL fell into in…

Make a lawyer Joke