The final PA polls are gonna be huge.


We need to tweet this at The Rock from the Unstuck account. He’ll probably never see it, but if he does…


I like it. @kre8tive?

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I thought about buying a bottle of champagne for Tuesday. I decided I can’t risk the jinx. Also I don’t even like champagne.

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FWIW, Okaloosa County is where Matt Gaetz hails from. Ft. Walton Beach, Destin, aka part of the Redneck Riviera.


speaking of favre’s trump endorsement, remember when he got the welfare money, promised to pay it back

you know he didn’t


This happened in 2016. The unions don’t have the political pull they used too. Many auto plants are in red parts of the state. This is hopefully well captured in the polls.

yea i can confirm it might as well be Alabama.

I have no idea which thread this goes in but I have been talking to my niece and her fiance the last 24 hours quite a bit. They are gay and plan to marry in the next year or so. They are now terrified that Trump and ACB are going to strip that away from them. It is completely heartbreaking that is the reality we are currently fighting.

Even worse my niece’s parents claim to be supportive but are huge Trump supporting covidiots. They were smart and left Kansas and moved to Tampa last year to get away from it. Now they feel like the entire country is on the brink of not being accepting.

Long story short we need to win big on Tuesday. For all the people Trump will further marginalize in a second term this is potentially literally life and death.


what welfare money?


WEST WING RERUNS ARE BACK! Now on TNT. In a special bonus, it’s the episode where Bartlett celebrates a landslide reelection over an opponent modeled after Bush.


If Biden were running against Jeb! and Biden had these kinds of polls going into the final weekend, I’d already have a President Biden 46 tramp stamp and an ice cream cone tat on each ass cheek. But with this guy, I’m still mentally preparing for a loss until the tipping point state is called.



Foxnews just published it’s final GE poll of 2020, it’s Biden +8, 52-44. It’s final poll of 2016 was Clinton +4, 48-44.


Romans used to call this an omen:



Stealing the election would not change the reality that most Americans are accepting. It would just make the process much more difficult.

Hopefully they don’t have to worry about it and it isn’t an issue going forward.

I realize Russia has not really had their heart in trying to get trump re-elected.

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I’m right there with you. I have a WAAF badge but that’s not how I feel right now. I took Tuesday off and also said I might take Wednesday off as well so I’m gonna be drunk as hell no matter what. I’m not dumb enough to assume things will be settled by then but if it’s the blowout I’m hoping for then maybe?

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Lol yeah ok. USPS asks for a stay from SCOTUS, which grants and hears it Monday, rules on Tuesday, and oh look at that it doesn’t matter much anymore.

Or DeJoy opts for lol fuck you and there’s no time to do anything.

We are going to know by 7:30 Tuesday if it’s curtains or a sweat. The early Florida reporting will be crucial.