Have you considered that if you disagree with simplicitus, you may need to reflect on the indisputable fact that he’s right about everything and you’re just a drooler who can’t understand the law on his advanced level?

Paging @badpostingdog


People can start dunking after the election. Many of my predictions were that his actions would be unacceptable or “do significant damage” (ie, he’ll lose support and lose the election). I never thought for a second we’d win on the ultimate impeachment vote. If Trump wins the election, even losing the popular vote, then i was wrong. I’ll get my mea culpa post warmed up.

If he loses by 10 points to Biden and the party abandons him immediately then many of the most vocal folks on this site have been very, very wrong. I look forward to the apology posts where they detail the flaws in their thinking.

Even if he loses you were still wrong about the ability of institutions to constrain him. You don’t get to say the election vindicates your hilariously wrong takes, including but not limited to “Republicans will vote to impeach him” and “the courts will save us.”


And even if Biden wins by 10 points there is basically zero chance the party abandons him. Establishment types have already largely abandoned him, and here he is with 40%+ support. The party can’t turn back because this is what its voters actually want and support. Bill Kristol can’t keep insane racists from voting for Q dipshits in primaries.


You, on 10/23/19:

"I really cannot imagine that he hasn’t permanently alienated 20+ GOP senators.

And, say if he manages to escape impeachment with a 40-60 vote, how is that any different than actual impeachment. It’s arguably worse for the GOP."

20 would have been enough to impeach him. 40-60 would have been 13 GOP yays to convict. We got one on one article, 0 on the other.

I mean you’re already way wrong, he’s still drawing live to win despite a massive health and economic crisis, thanks to rampant voter suppression. You basically had him drawing almost dead to re-election under normal circumstances a couple years ago. He’s had a near worst case scenario play out for him and he’s still got almost a 1 in 4 shot BEFORE accounting for the USPS shenanigans, and whatever else is left to come in that regard.

If he loses by 10 points to Biden, the USPS stuff is a total non issue, there are no other shenanigans, he concedes and does not try to hold onto power, and we have a peaceful transfer of power, you were right and we were wrong. I’d love to be wrong. But I’m not going to be.

Trump is currently +115 in betting markets, maybe hold off on the victory lap?


Lol, you better get your mea culpa ready, because he’s going to still be president, one way or another, in 2022.


Please please please make this drug test happen


I can’t think of a single thing Trump could do to make his base abandon him/not flock to a crazier option that is like full Qanon.
Trump could endorse AOC and say he grifted every one of his supporters and at best his supporters just move right.

It will except White House doctor is giving it. Trump will be the cleanest person you’ve ever seen while Biden will have heroin on his results


It is ALWAYS projection.

Just confirms that he was drugged up to the eyeballs in every debate.

Not sure what his angle is here, except mashing buttons.


I feel like this is a legal case where the opposing party finally answered an interrogatory clearly after receiving a draft motion to compel.

I’ve got $250 on Trump to lose at those odds (the bet is “Trump: No”). (Also bought 1000 shares of Warren Yes in like Sept. 2019 fully aware it was a longshot.)

Who has predicted Trump winning?

I guess that’s one.

“OK sure, I’ll be happy to take a drug test before we debate. Right after you release your tax returns.” -alternate universe Joe Biden


Lolololol. Know your audience, jman.

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I didn’t say he’s going to win. I said he’s going to be president in 2022.

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I think a lot of people here are worried about that and think it’s possible, but I don’t think many people think it’s >50% with any confidence. So, I don’t think Biden being POTUS in 2021 is reason for anyone to go around crowing how they were right and everyone else was wrong.