If they had +8 2 weeks ago then they’re going to post a +7 today, and it’s going to be Biden 48 Trump 41, or Biden 49 to Trump 42. They’re not going to show Biden losing ground.

There is a pretty big band of 45 supporters trying to intimidate in Fort Worth this morning. Specifically in minority neighborhoods.

It’s more fun than the alternative, trust me.

Sounds like it’s time for a bunch of armed black folks to start protecting people at the polls.

2 for 1 - allows people to vote and probably gets more folks on board with gun control measures. Bloomberg should spend some money arming them.


Yeah I’m a mess.


Under Biden’s Green No MALARKEY Deal, only Certified Organic Fracking will be permitted.


I’m taking next Wednesday off and if the outcome is in doubt I’m taking off the rest of the week too.


SNL needs to do a skit where they bleep fracking every time so it sounds like fucking. Cause every now and then as I’m reading my mind just connects the F to the cking with the most common connector, and it takes me a second.


I was having a nice freakout the other night and my wife just blurted out “You need to take the day after the election off.”


I’m actually feeling fairly anticlimactic tbh. Biden’s very, very likely to win and if he doesn’t, there wasn’t a damned thing I could have done about it anyway. I’ll be quite distressed if he loses, but I’m not exactly going to be euphoric when he wins, either, so: Eh.

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I’d do the same, but there’s really no difference to me. I’d just be using vacation time to do the same thing I’m doing now while “working” - refreshing UP and the DJIA ticker.

I’ve actually considered going in to the office a day or two a week to force me to get some work done.

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I’d be similarly resigned to whatever the result is if it weren’t for the potential impact on the type of Brexit at the end of this year, ie somewhere in the range shit to totally and utterly shit.

It’s been done before, but it’s still funny.


We need a tuesday prep thread imo.

I am taking wed-fri off mostly because I have literally taken 2 days off this year. Helps that WFH is pretty much about 4 real hours of work a day if that.


In the land of anecdotal evidence, my mom works at a Catholic school, which obv leans hard R. She knows quite a few women bailing the R train and voting Biden this year, mostly over Covid. But ofc it’s in IL lol.


Someone was asking the election day plans… Mine is this:

Wake up around 5am, vote, knock doors, nap, knock doors until I run out of energy or 7pm rolls around. Shower, change and head to my buddies to watch returns with him and his wife til she goes to bed and we move to my place. We’ll be outdoors, distanced, and around a fire pit.

We’ll have a food or beer for each key state. We’ve got beer for PA, MI, TX… Food planned for WI, GA…

We need to figure out FL, SC (Senate), OH, AZ, NC, IA… So if anyone has any good suggestions. Trying to balance it and not be totally hammered but we also may not get to drink TX at all or PA on election night. Anyone got any good beers brewed in AZ or NC or FL that are available nationally?

We’ll have some Kentucky bourbon if the Senate flips, and Johnny Walker Blue if Biden wins.


Y’all are just the absolute worst.

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