If GA is for real why isn’t Harris camped out there? Doesn’t she have strong GA connections?

Eta: she was there 4 days ago, and I thought I saw something early on about her campaign that she had a strong presence in GA, but nm I guess.

Anyone reading this thread in one of the states that’s already been decided itt, please go and vote for Biden regardless. Don’t let this thread dissuade you.


Yup, but just like the debates, he keeps shoving all in with trash and now is SHOCKED that the players are learning to adjust.

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That’s still saying the courts can’t rewrite state election laws

The state election laws say count all votes received by Election Day so nothing there says they’ll stop counting of votes received by Election Day per the law

As Riverman and others have said, they are not gonna stop the Initial Counting of ALL ballots received by the state deadline. They may stop recounts but not the initial counting.


this isn’t correlating in GA/NC like this but mega yikes.

Why is that bad?

Thanks for the kind words.

That sucks about your family. My best friend’s parents and sister are all going for Trump, and he feels like he lost his family. His mom was especially devastating.

I feel lucky/blessed my parents flipped red → blue from 2008-2016.

Do we need a UP game plan for election day? Just go wild in a gameday thread or try to plan it out a bit more so it isn’t just 1 post per minute for 24 hours?


Lol that’s amazing. He should go hide in the bunker.

Obviously I’m basing this on a narrow view from my personal perspective, but I get the sense that despite all the UP hatred of the great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the blue ground game here is strong in 2020.

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We could have a thread just for Trump/Biden and a thread for everything else.


Also confused why it is “mega yikes”

This. If we get over the finish line in PA and people stayed home in Virginia or Massachusetts or NJ or Colorado or some shit, don’t think I won’t come do a whole other kind of door knocking…

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Not sure if interesting, but these are the odds on Pinnacle right now when adjusting for no vig (only picked competitive markets. They don’t have Nebraska and Maine districts):

Trump Biden
New Hampshire 25 75
Michigan 25 75
Minnesota 26 74
Nevada 30 70
Wisconsin 31 69
Pennsylvania 36 64
Arizona 44 56
North Carolina 50 50
Florida 56 44
Georgia 57 43
Iowa 59 41
Ohio 70 30
Texas 74 26

Biden in IA looks like good value.


Also Biden in PA shippppppppppp it.


I still think Trump FL is best value. Riggage/dirty tricks potential is off the charts.

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Unless I’m missing something, this seems like a tweet to scare people but lacks any context needed to know if it’s bad or good.

The key question is whether the remaining 30% will show up either in the next week or on election day. To answer that it would be helpful to know the breakdown of the 69% turnout last year was on election day vs. early. Or alternatively, relative to other voting groups is 39% early turnout higher or lower.

edit: looks like early turnout in Miami Dade is about 42% overall, so 39% black turnout would be in line with the historical black turnout relative to overall (as it’s usually a bit lower). Not great, but nothing to worry about yet.

it was 50-50 a couple hours ago

Biden GA good value

Nate’s numbers show Biden winning and don’t even account for it taking a lot longer for Dems to vote in person early due to lines in the blue ATL counties (while no lines in the red counties).

200k+ lead right now is a good sign considering not everyone who says they’ll vote will, but 100% of those who already voted already voted