Getting asked the question “is america in better shape than four years ago?” and answering yes because of your own personal finances is such an American answer.


lol a republican relative I was talking to 6 months ago or so was loving trump because the stock market is doing amazing and that was his main reason. I asked him what stocks he’s into and he said he doesn’t have any stocks or a brokerage account lmaoooo



I cannot wrap my brain around this guy losing to trump in November


Thanks Awval!

Were Republican rec players more willing to gamble because Donald Trump gave them confidence in their current and future financial situation? And maybe they felt a little invincible because Trump winning/Hillary losing made them feel like they were running good and more optimistic about getting there on the river.

L’état c’est moi

1 Like

Haha no, I built my bankroll up and played in bigger games.

Presented without further comment:

They are confident that he hates blacks and browns and gays and trans folks and intellectuals as much as they do.


On the old Trumper forum I was on 100% of them said they all got bonuses, raises, and a huge tax cut constantly because of Trump. So they obviously lie. Most of them were tradesmen or factory workers so they weren’t part of the group who got big tax cuts. Lots of " my boss gave everyone bonuses too because of the tax cuts "

10 AM ET. I promised my rep I’d be watching.



Did he say read my lips?

Probably a good strategy, I was listening to a podcast about Reagan ( dollop ) and they talked a lot about how dems who said they would raise taxes always get killed. Kind of amazing that even moderate dems freak out when you say you’re going to raise taxes.

Honestly I don’t expect them to pass any kind of tax bill anyways, it’s gotta be way down on their priority list and will burn up a TON of political capital. That’s probably on the 2024 dems agenda.

Dollop about Reagan is amazing btw. I knew all of his policy failures, but a ton of personal stuff in here that is interesting. Like that he was a liberal for a large part of his life, and only became a conservative because GE paid him a ton of money to do speaking stuff for them.

Also he was a legit rapist. Unsurprising but can’t believe I didn’t know about that.

Reagan was never liberal. He was a Democrat when the Democrats were the party of racism and he became a Republican when the Republicans became the party of racism.


Dumbass union moron who is gonna vote for Trump again? Check.

Before Donald J. Trump began his first presidential campaign, Mr. Moore was a reliable Democrat who had twice voted for Barack Obama. Like legions of white union workers, he found Mr. Trump’s 2016 campaign pledge to shake up Washington appealing. He plans to vote for him again in November.

“Former” Republican who changed their mind only when GOP policy personally affected them? Check.

Two hours away in Columbus, Ohio, Mr. Moore’s stepdaughter, Kelley Boorn, cheered Ms. Harris’s selection. A longtime Republican who was once a vehement anti-abortion activist, her views shifted after a difficult pregnancy.

Lazy-ass NYT reporter phoning in a piece of shit article by focusing on someone already well known to national media? CHECK.

Though he had never been political, he volunteered for the Trump campaign in Trumbull County and was selected in early 2017 to host a dinner at his home for Mark Zuckerberg, the chief executive of Facebook, when he wanted to meet Trump voters during his cross-country tour to get to know America better.

Black friends!

He added: “I have Black friends and they told me about something that happens pretty regularly, even today in some of your larger cities, called gentrification. Never heard the word before.”


“I voted for President Trump, yeah, but I’m very opposed to corporate greed,” he said. “A lot of Republicans don’t want to talk about that, but it’s very real to me.”

Good effort. Fairly sure this piece was completed in under 90 minutes.


I dunno according to the podcast his dad and him were new deal Democrats. He supported taxes etc. It wasnt until he started making money, plus the army not forgiving his taxes like they did people in wwi, and getting paid to speak for conservatives that he changed. It framed him as a massive pushover who just did what people told him

Dejoy hearing started.

Rep Comer (R): USPS mess is Obama’s fault.


So basically no new taxes on the 99%. Seems fine.