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civil unrest which would end with a bunch of dead lefties because literally all the cops are on the declared winner’s side? okay then

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we went like 2-3 days without wetting the bed, i guess that’s an improvement.


If Trump and his Supreme Court goons actually have the guts to straight up steal the election they will be successful. Who will stop them? Nancy? Angry mobs in the street? I love BLM to death but they have accomplished basically nothing substantive after we saw a black mans windpipe crushed and slowly die. I realize they have helped to bring awareness and I’m not belittling that whatsoever but it won’t be the answer here.

Largely peaceful demonstrations are not going to stop it. Trump and Barr will just send in the goon squad and gas and beat them. We already saw the trial run this summer.

So we are drawing to Trump actually losing and accepting the loss or Trump actually losing and the Supreme Court siding with Biden.


WV stayed blue well after the Southern Strategy happened and the South went Republican. They stayed blue because the Dems used to give a rip about unions and working-class issues.

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Nah, they turned red after Fox News and the Murdoch empire became a propaganda outlet to rot stupid people’s minds.

It’s this.

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Really wish Canada was an option right now not gonna lie

Wasserman must be lurking

To use a poker metaphor: In the last election, Trump won by pulling an inside straight. This time he’ll need nothing short of a royal flush—by pulling an ace from his sleeve.


Paging sweet summer child,

If i were a Supreme, and it was up to me

a. give it to trump, and essentially make him a dictator(without a lot of upside for me), and thereby make myself irrelevant.(because unless you go along with whatever crazy shit he wants to do in the future, he will pack the court to get his way.)

b. make him play by the rules

To my point:


Right but the election day vote will be very +R and losing a chunk of D+13 is still a disaster.

4D Chess - Railing loudly against mail-in voting to trigger the libs into exclusively voting by mail, then toss them all in the trash at 12:00AM. chefskiss


With a completely complicit Supreme Court I’m not sure that really matters tbh. If they are going to make an argument to rig it, it isn’t going to matter whether the argument is one form of complete bullshit or another.

I’m not saying I think it’s a lock that they do it. Just that you guys seem to be making a lot of assumptions about how they would try to steal it without considering that may not be their only or even primary course of action if they do.


All while the left thinks he’s too stupid to be on level 2.

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It’s D+13 remaining right now with 8 days left after starting at D+30 or whatever. It could very well be like R+1 still outstanding by Election Day. In any event given the trendline it’s not going to be D+13. Worst case scenario is probably like D+5 or something of possibly a very small number of ballots.





I’m optimistic. I think you guys are worried for nothing and there will be a massive D+ turnout on election day. Good intentions and all that, but a lot of motivated voters are still going to procrastinate until the last day.