Cornyn’s going to hang on sadly (well I think…) but polls say to fight there, in case trashlagar is right.

The runoff for any GA Senate race is January 5, 2021.

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So about those trafalgar polls. This is the first time they’ve posted crosstabs and now they’ve yanked them after other pollsters started laughing at them.




Dems need to take a page out of Trumps book and just campaign super hard for the run off if Joe wins. have him in Georgia regularly telling them healthcare is on the line, If Ossof wins they steal your healthcare, and maybe even make up a bunch of scary shit to get turnout going.

Too bad dems fucking suck and won’t do it.


The posters are laughing at your pony

I wouldn’t be surprised if a small number of poll results are completely fabricated every race.

Are you familiar with Research 2000?

I am not.

I am praying for the dems being able to get the Texas house. Would be a huge deal given all the choads in Texas state government.

They were a polling outfit that got caught fabricating numbers in polls conducted for Daily Kos.

Is winning the house also going to mean winning the state legislatures? Do the legislatures have the same distracts as the house?

Based on the State AG remaining in office after being indicted, then having literally his entire office lodge whistleblower complaints against him for all the crimes, I am assuming Texas government is as corrupt as it gets.


My biggest issue with this tralfalger thing is why are media and poll aggregators giving them so much attention. By doing so they are providing them unintended credibility to the less informed.

I am not talking about us here discussing it, but there is way too much media and media adjacent coverage of their garbage.

If we publish our UP Poll will Nate be required to comment on it? If so we should publish it today.


they had trump in 2016 by 5 points in states he barely won but nobody else had trump so they claimed all the credit for being right

fox is pushing them a bit because they’re the most favorable to them pollster

The Texas senate is 31 individual districts while the house is 150 individual districts.

Dems picked up like ten seats in house in 2018, and all seats are up this year.

I am not sure how many senate seats are up this year, because Texas has insane rules on senate elections like all senate seats are up in years ending in 2 and they draw to determine two and four year terms.

The dems are down like 16 in house, but with every seat up for grabs, a legitimate blue push could flip it for sure.



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I have been here 38 years and this is the worst state government apparatus by a country mile. Add in two horrible US senators and a bunch of bad us house members, and this place is political garbage.

I will take whatever positive change I can at this point.

I would say the governor and lt. Governor are the worst, but as you noted, the AG exists.

I think Texas is steeped in good ole boy corruption that is usually kept really on the down low. It doesn’t seem to explode all over everything like their neighbor Louisiana or a state like Illinois.


It seems basically all state government is corrupt as hell. This is made worse by the disappearance of actual journalists covering state and local politics. This seems to apply basically equally to red and blue states - just a function of the limited amount of money necessary to buy outcomes and the relative lack of wealth among public servants.