aren’t there recent laws against revenge porn? it sounds like hunter or the lady hunter is banging didn’t consent to publicizing this

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A lot of these states come down to turnout and it’s possible the turnout is better and suppression is less in Iowa than Pennsylvania

Doesn’t matter had sex


btw regarding people being upset Biden went to Georgia

There’s a Trump rally in Nebraska next week

so if he thinks that state isn’t a lock, lol

tenor (6)


the claim is someone in china started this so gl with that

Let’s say that a Biden trip to Georgia somehow decreases his odds of winning but increases the odds of Democrats retaking the Senate. For what value of x is a 1% decrease in Biden win probability worth an x% increase in the chances of a Senate majority?

he’s not trying to lock up the state, but rather NE-2’s electoral vote. Biden has not been worse than +6 in any poll there this year.

Trump 2020

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For a 1% decrease in chance of beating Trump, the senate odds better be REALLY REALLY increased imo. Like, 50%.

Scott Steiner math ITT.

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For what it’s worth, I believe Nate Silver guessed that there is about a 15% chance that control of the Senate will come down to a run-off election in GA. Seems worth it to give it a little extra attention.

Not to mention that Biden “rallies” surely don’t have the same utility or get the same coverage as Trump ones, so anytime he can get a lot of people talking about where he is or where he’s going is another small reminder that he’s being active and not in a coma in his basement.

:rotating_light::rotating_light::rotating_light: IF YOU LIVE IN PENNSYLVANIA AND ARE VOTING BY MAIL, YOU NEED TO MAIL IT BACK NO LATER THAN MONDAY 10/26!!! AS PER PA DEMS! :rotating_light::rotating_light::rotating_light:

Pass it on.



Yeah anyone who has actual walk in and use voting machine early voting should avail themselves of it.

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Hawkfish has convinced me it is all over. congratulations President Biden. Now you guys can start pushing him left.

Glad this is over with. Now just to ride out until inauguration!



Honestly I think the prime benefit to visiting a state is media amplification. Local media absolutely gobble up their coverage when a candidate visits. It’s essentially just more advertising.

I was going to say there are probably few people who legitimately don’t vote for a candidate who didn’t visit their state. However I can see a visit serving as a significant reinforcement of other advertising in that state.

Say you run a bunch of ads in a state and have a very high profile. I think a visit or visits can work in conjunction to a higher degree of effectiveness.

It seems so much of modern campaigning is a hold over from another era of train stops and where the only way a candidate could become known and even get any real media coverage was to travel directly to the people.

Beto’s 2018 campaign in Texas involved visiting every single county in Texas. I think that kind of thing can still have impact, especially in smaller counties. But for many counties, a senate candidate visiting is a novelty. That same reality doesn’t really hold for the presidential race at the state level unless you are Idaho.


Yeah a lot of people here loved it when he was like we’re going to take your guns but I said it was aboslutely fucking retarded. It was clear he had little to no chance in winning the presidential primary and we desperately needed him to run for senate again in the future.


Do dems ever win these? They have much, much lower turnout right and that hurts dems a lot?