These are great points thanks a bunch.


I really hope you are right. I fear that you’re not.

CA is not that liberal either. Well, it is more liberal than all but a few states, but the average in CA is not left of the average of the Democratic Party. And CA is Dem enough that the GOP is dead in pretty much all state-wide elections. That pulls state-wide Dems to the right, hence Diane Feinstein. I think NY has something similar going on.


As scientist that generally does timecoirse experiments, it’s amazing the lengths people go to draw conclusions from obviously bad data.

In a traditional ethanol fermentation, the ethanol concentration only goes up with time.

You will see 0, 5, 20, 60, 40, 80 and people will got nuts trying to explain what happened when it’s pretty obvious there is an error (samples 4 and 5 got mis-ordered during the analysis).

So frustrating. I’d just not look at those fools anymore.


And she won with 16,000 votes to Crowley’s 11,000. If Crowley had been taking her seriously and actually campaigning she might not have even won. Compare that to Alex Morse losing to Neal in Massachusetts. 84,000 votes to 59,000. Neal knew Morse was a threat and campaigned hard. If 150,000 people voted in that 2018 primary I doubt AOC would have been a thing.

I don’t think the West Coast is as liberal as you think. Look at our governors and senators, we are electing the same kinds of people.

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This might be true, but it’s important to note that the left’s small ball fundraising game is now fully off the ground with AOC and Bernie being the two of the best fundraising politicians there are.

If AOC had infinite money to run against Crowley you could jack the turnout up as high as you want and she’d still roflstomp him. Look at what she did to her (very well funded) challenger this time. Teeth all over the ground like chicklets.


She is a powerful fundraiser because she beat Crowley and was elected to Congress. If she loses 20,000 to 18,000 no one ever hears of her.


Yes yes yes… Not ponied



Again that might be true, but it already happened and now the horse is out of the barn and the left has begun primarying people with an expectation of winning a decent chunk of the time. I don’t think that process slows down because demographics are on its side.

It’s totally true that NY and CA are way more conservative than the left wing of the Democratic Party… but it’s also true that millenials and Gen Z ARE the far left wing of the Democratic Party. The same demographics that are going to render the GOP nonviable sometime between now and 2030 are going to make fear of a real primary challenger a major motivation in decision making for older Democratic politicians.

Look at how the GOP has skewed rightward because of pressure from the primaries… that’s going to happen to the Dems now.

Massachusetts has a Republican governor.

Man I don’t know, I’ve been hearing about how the GOP is going to be non viable because demographics is destiny for 25 years.




My point is that AOC won because it was a sneak attack. Guys like Morse who are unlucky enough to try for the second wave of AOC style primary challenges have it much harder because they’re going to be taken seriously.

Yeah, this worries me too.

See also: Blue Texas is coming soon!

Yeah I don’t think it’s been reported much but I had read that Bloomberg was, in fact, spending a shit ton in FL. Part of it is this money is hard to trace.

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Close but not quite.

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