don’t know how well models are gonna work in this election but if so good news on a weird day of mostly either very good or terrifying polling and not much inbetween.



Democrats are receiving threatening emails which somehow is designed to hurt Trump? WHAT??? Fuck the FBI, CIA, ICE and all the other PIG agencies.


I suppose if you think about it, Iran’s intent is probably to get it into the news and hurt Trump by making the Proud Boys look bad.

Obama: Donald Trump isn’t going to protect all of us. He can’t even take the basic steps to protect himself!


Watching highlights of this Obama speech, can we just have him campaign for every Dem President candidate for the rest of his life? Say what you will about his Presidency, but he is the most talented campaign speaker I’ve ever seen.


It’s not even a certainty that Iran was behind this Proud Boys’ stunt, seriously. Don’t trust the FBI.

Thats an epic fail then because people either know proud boys are a disgusting group of racist, or love them because they’re their disgusting group of racist, or think they’re just the other side of BLM. Even if this was the proudboys sending the emails, not a single person would change their opinion. Much more likely this scares some grandmas out of voting.

That said I can’t imagine Iran would want Trump elected. Pretty sure they’d love to get that nuclear deal back. American turning into a right wing theorcacy would not be good for them. Trump is luckily too much of a coward to head into war, the next right wing dicator who’d replace him probably wouldn’t be though and their days will be numbered.

…and he decides to start to do so when 25-33% of votes have already been cast.

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Thoughts from the most recent GOP loser to articulate what it was like to realize it was over.

“It was a slow recognition until ultimately when the Ohio numbers began coming in and they were disappointing,” he said. “I said, look, this looks like we’ve lost — wasn’t certain. Some people said, ‘Oh, look, if this number here comes in, why, you could win.’ But you know, by 8 or 9 o’clock, it was pretty clear that we were not going to win.”

Romney called his inability to win black and Hispanic votes “a real weakness” and said future GOP candidates must do better. He blamed himself for the infamous “47 percent” comments and said he should have been more careful when speaking privately — as he thought he was at the fundraiser in Boca Raton, Fla.

While Romney took the blame for his defeat, absolving New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie for appearing with Obama after Hurricane Sandy, his wife was more revealing about her feelings. She said she was “blindsided” by the president’s ground game, which she acknowledged was better than their own.

Ann Romney did confirm during the interview aired Sunday that she was asked to appear on the ABC show “Dancing With the Stars” but felt she was not in good enough dancing shape.

“I did consider it,” she told Wallace. “I love the show.”

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Beijing Barry lol, he’s not wrong.



This seems super likely lol




cool except about nobody is there

hopefully at least msnbc covered it

Russia wanted to damage President Trump all along??? This is new news

I’d just like to know who he’d be willing to name as a “really dynamic leader”. Has he said anything nice about non-dictators?

lol iran shoulda added like, “WE’RE STANDING BY”


I’m guessing 60% of voters have never heard of the proud boys or think they’re toothless.

Clapper on Cuomo speculating that Ratcliffe dropped this tonight to overshadow Obama’s fiery speech. Cuomo agreeing.

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this is objectively hilarious tho. like he’s doing callbacks to his own bullshitery, andy kauffman wishes he coulda done this shit

worst president but greatest entertainer in history?