The hell I can’t :)

Gorka used to be nazi.

He still is but he used to, too.

-Mitch Hedberg


Maybe I should have used nazi wannabe. That’s probably more accurate. But there are white supremacists in and around this White House carrying out atrocities on a regular basis. Here’s a random story from today. I don’t have to dig. This kind of stuff happens every day. It just stopped being front page news at some point.


He is standing by along with the other neo naizs making sure the Jews wont replace them.


I wondered where I had heard media insist GOP insiders were telling them they were all fucked right before the election before.


Fuck Chip Kelly. His handling of Riley Cooper and his racial stereotypes in shipping out DeSean Jackson and LeSean McCoy had a lot to do with his firing.

As for Lurie, he’s got a track record for a couple decades of being on the correct side of most issues.

This year, the Eagles became perhaps the liveliest petri dish for this movement—all under a heightened microscope after the league-wide protests drew the ire of President Donald Trump, who castigated the demonstrations as unpatriotic.

Eagles safety Malcolm Jenkins raised his fist during the national anthem and was an outspoken leader of the Players Coalition, a group of players who sought social change. Defensive end Chris Long put his arm around Jenkins during the anthem and announced he would donate his entire salary to charity. Jenkins, Long and Torrey Smith traveled to Harrisburg to discuss policy with Pennsylvania lawmakers.

“He allows us to have the freedom to speak our minds,” Smith said. “Ultimately, I think it’s because he knows we’re speaking for what’s right.”

Adds Long: “He shares a lot of the same sentiments players do.”

Lurie kept close track of their views. He’s never too far away—he attends almost every Eagles practice. In September, he went with players and Goodell to meet with police and community leaders to discuss criminal justice reform.

“Many of us have no interest in supporting President Trump,” Lurie said. “Yes, there are some. There are some players who do, too. But this is not where you brandish a group of people because they own assets in a sport we love, supporting what many of us perceive as, you know, one f–king disastrous presidency. Don’t quote me.”

Lurie – who donated money to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign in 2015 – is painted by the Times as vehemently opposed to Trump’s attack last season on players who knelt for the national anthem to highlight social injustice and police brutality against African-Americans. Trump, using Twitter, urged NFL owners to fire players who refused to stand for the anthem.


In 2003, when Rush Limbaugh suggested that the Eagles quarterback Donovan McNabb was overrated because he’s black, Lurie criticized the “institutional racism” of ESPN, which had hired Limbaugh to be a football commentator. Limbaugh, who obviously was chosen by ESPN as a ratings magnet and not for any football expertise, was ultimately fired over his McNabb comments.

“There is clearly a problem and the problem doesn’t go away with the firing of Rush Limbaugh,” Lurie responded at a press conference, as quoted by The Los Angeles Times . “The problem, in my opinion, and I think in many people’s opinions, is when you are in the business of hiring people like that or portraying athletes in a primarily African American sport and want to completely disengage from reality in the seeking of ratings, it is a sad story.”

But almost nobody knows that Lurie, prior to becoming owner of the Eagles, expressed serious interest in funding Z , the lefty magazine.

In 2016 it was 55-41. While it’s great that Trump is less well liked from a societal standpoint, I have to wonder how much of this double digit lead we’re running up nationally is just a useless decrease in Trump support in places like NJ, MA, CT, CA, NY, etc…

And who pushes for hardline immigration policies. Groups like FAIR founded by white supremacists.

And who has a bunch of the white supremacist groups people working for him.


Israel plays with fire keeping the same bedfellows. Their number one enemy is always the Jewish people who they think run the world and are trying to replace them with brown and black people.

C- dart chucker chuckin dem darts. Not meaningless, but not worth letting your lawnmower leave the ground over.

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A 538 Florida tale of WAAF

538 governor race odds Gillum 77% D+4.2
538 senate race odds Nelson 70%

2016 Hillary 55% Oct 21, 2016 70%

2020 Biden right now 70%

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Yeah I would be more shocked if FL went blue than NC/AZ/PE/WI just based on history of polling in that state

6.3M more than yesterday.



Maybe by 2024 Nate will figure out that he needs to account for voter suppression when the likes of Ron DeSantis and Brian Kemp are at the helm.

Sam Elliot :heart_eyes:


My dad converted into Judaism late in life because of a trip he took to Israel when he was younger. Anyways he used to LOVE going to temple. He would practice the language etc. Then one day he stopped going to temple and basically doesn’t practice the religion anymore.

Reason? Jews in America are too liberal. His new religion became Republicanism and then trumpism. It’s really sad honestly.

I mean thats every state. It’s all urban vs rural divide now. Even CA has huge portions of it that are absolute hell shitholes that we call Calabama.

What makes a state red or blue really just comes down to how many cities and the population of those cities. If the population of the cities is more than the population of their rural communities, state goes blue. Honestly I haven’t checked that but I’m pretty comfortable it’s correct.


Update on Omar and AOC playing Among Us. Apparently Omar was fucking slaughtering fools even though it was her first time playing and its all over reddit lol. Apparently AOC is good too.

Apparently Omar built her own PC too and it looks dope, lost the pic though.



Alright I had to spam this thread but this is great


I had the impression that the degrees of racism were divided by rural/urban divide as much as regional.