
If Biden wins Mississippi, Wyoming and Nebraska, that would be cool. If you put a gun to my head and I could bet on that or staying at 55-65K in 2 weeks if take those states and write my will.

I’m done with this discussion.

Maybe Toobin was just really getting into his role? Are we sure that the judiciary jacking itself off isnt part of their strategy?

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If I was Toobin this would for sure be my defense. First I’d just say ‘yeah I fucked up pretty bad, I have some impulse control issues and in my lizard brain I was in my own bedroom/office/wherever. I’ve apologized to everyone involved, and honestly the level of shame I’m feeling right now is pretty insane.’ Then finish with ‘in my defense I was supposed to be playing the Trump era legal system, so I think we can all appreciate the fact that I was obviously very much in character.’

The next job still pays absurdly well for journalism, the next book is probably still a best seller (#1 if it’s good and about online shame), and his life goes on. When people make fun of it you have to laugh along with it in a good natured way. If you can’t pull that off you’re fucked.



Counterpoint: I’d rather read about this than read the script of a snuff film the thread was earlier today.


Good thing I’ve never had a real job.

Professional poker player?

Where exactly is it “circulating” that Joe and Hunter are “child molesters?” JFC

And meanwhile Trump still refuses a DNA test in an ongoing rape case and not one single goddamned ad from even a super pac?

hunters laptop allegedly with child porn has popped up in the far right wing online circles

Joe Biden had Seal Team 6 murdered and will be indicted for treason and will be forced to drop out of the race within the next week.

…has also popped up in far right circles.


anyone else also study this spreadsheet?


didn’t say I thought any of it was true, but they know that doesn’t matter.

Brb donating so I can watch Kamala fire softball questions at the cast of the Avengers :heart_eyes:

Chip in any amount to join the cast of the Avengers and Senator Kamala Harris as they unite for Democracy!

Join Don Cheadle, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Paul Rudd, Mark Ruffalo and Zoe Saldana for Q&A and trivia hosted by The Russo Brothers.

You can catch it exclusively on Tuesday, October 20th at 6:45 p.m. ET.

Anything you donate will be used to elect Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Democrats up and down the ballot.

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Not shook by the polls today, but getting more worried about the mailed ballot shit: envelopes in PA, signatures in FL, etc.

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I’m going to be like…

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Interesting – does hitting NV nine times harder than OH suggests that Biden and Trump camps are telling the truth when they say their polling says the race is closer than public polls suggest? Or does it just mean that if Biden actually has a legitimate shot in OH then the race is basically over so why bother?


73-year-old first time voter in Wisconsin: “I see Donald Trump as the Antichrist, that’s the only reason I’m here.”