Your job sounds boring.


It’s not 100% an accident if one gets caught massaging the member on a work video call.

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This was at work. I’m guessing the number now that people work at home is north of 70%.

It’s completely normal.

Eh… still a pretty big IQ check fail to jerk off in the middle of a work call without making sure the camera isn’t on. I think career wise he’ll probably be fine if it ends up having been an accident. People will make fun of him from now on, but that’s probably fair.

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Agree but the angle should be “old guy sucks at tech” not “guy masturbates”.

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Can we please take the jerk it while you work it discussion out of the POTUS BOWL thread?


There isn’t even a need to do it in front of a camera. If the urge is THAT great, logoff, get up and go to the bathroom. Tell them your internet went out when you return. Or excuse yourself from the call and say you have to take a mean shit.

There are loads (heh) of ways to get the deed done without it ending up on a live camera. Hence why it wasn’t totally an accident.

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FFS not when you are in the same virtual room with lots of people.

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Isn’t the fear of being caught part of the attraction? Asking for a friend.

It’s an accident like dropping a baby while trying to juggle three babies is an accident.

If you are stupid to whip it and spank it on call A while you are also on call B you think is muted you get the consequences. Never a nothingburger.

Don’t wear a belt or underwear and have you pants drop in the middle of the street. Good luck with that “it was an accident defense”.

This has nothing to do with kink shaming.

Accidentally exposing oneself via very reckless action is not as bad as doing it on purpose but it’s not innocent either. Think of it like drunk driving. He lost control of his senses and then operated a computer with a camera.

I don’t think we should ignore that he’s been credibly accused of some fairly shady dating behavior.


I would assume so, otherwise there’s no reason to be doing it in front of the camera, unless he was staring at someone in the call.

Definitely will not be shocked if it turns out that exposing himself to people is something this guy has done quite a few times honestly.


woman elected vp in 2020 is 0.63 lol that seems low but at the same time very true

Is your position that if he was trying to have some virtual sexy time on a second video call during a break and accidentally exposed himself to people on the first call, then he shouldn’t be suspended?

Exactly. Hunter Biden is a chomo is not going to get mainstream media coverage without evidence. Here are 5,000 or 50,000 fake ballots will be a top story, complete with Van Jones and Rick Santorum yelling at each other.

This is your reminder that 538 does not account for voter suppression, rigging, or shenanigans beyond what is typically done… And even that is only accounted for as past variance/discrepancy between polls and results.

Beyond that it accounts not at all, in any way, for the equity Trump gains by attempting to declare an early victory and stop the vote counting.

The people in this category are suffering, they don’t like suffering, but nobody is offering them a pathway out of suffering. Making others suffer helps.

So Trump says Biden will cause a great depression/Hunter rapes kids/Biden is owned by China/etc and hey, maybe it’s true, maybe it’s not, both sides blah blah it’s too hard to figure out so they’ll just vote for the guy who makes them feel good about all that anger.

These are voters Bernie could have reached, at least somewhat. Yeah sure they called him a commie and all but he’s flat out going to give them healthcare, UBI in the pandemic, a jobs guarantee, etc… They wouldn’t give a fuck if he was riding horses shirtless with Putin while giving the ghost of Fidel Castro hand jobs on Zoom calls. As long as they were getting theirs from him, he’d have a shot at their votes.

Against a child molester, and it’s circulating that Hunter or Joe are child molesters…

This sounds a lot like what my friends were saying to me in Oct 2016 as I was screaming that 70/30 odds were terrifying.

I’m voting in person because I don’t want to catch dictatorship.


MN only +5 polls