I actually agree with this. But I don’t agree with the first part in that I don’t think any turn-off-able voters even hear from her. I mean, we do, but we’re masochists at some level.

Yeah obviously the reasons are different (at least we can infer). CO and VA are locks. But Texas seemed winnable at least per 538. However stopping ads there now seems like a concession. Biden doesn’t need to win Texas to win the election but if he’s stopping ads there it diminishes the chances of a blowout, and also reinforces the idea that the other swing states like PA or FL are closer and need more $$.

Biden has $400 million. Just spend everywhere.

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Pay people to vote for him who’s gonna stop him?

If someone just drew this as an artwork instead of being a photo, two $10 would be the right choice.

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Bloomberg really failing us here by not insisting he let Joe burn his money on Texas

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Was maybe a head fake. Should still burn some money in TX though.

The Biden campaign has $400M and this kind of polling lead with 3 weeks left. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. They ain’t spending all that loot on ads. That money’s getting pilfered. DJT’s campaign “consultants” and “advisors” aren’t anomalies, they are the norm.


You’ve spent some time in Tampa. I see you.

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Additionally - and I know this is hard for a lot of very liberal, very online white dudes to understand - but there are a lot of people that do love Hillary. I assume some small number of them (like some small number of Bernie Bros) may be willing to sit this one out because she didn’t win. We need her telling her fans to vote Biden, even if it nudges some tiny percentage. All hands on deck, pull out all the stops, etc, etc.


i am interested in speaking with the hillary lover that needed a nudge to vote blue this election


I’ll book the trump to win FL bets people want in here (I get joe)

reluctantly but I’ll do it.


Lol he prolly only did the townhall bc it was against Biden and he wanted to brag about better ratings

He didn’t get them so now he did it for nothing

Look what I could win!

she should have that contest for a chance for a trumper to be able to yell at her for $250 she’d get a million in a day.

then like every other trump contest nobody actually wins or some bait and switch, whatever

the hillary/albright chat is hilarious though, that is uh, well I’m sure some people would enjoy that, I don’t know any of them but I’m sure they exist


These next 18 weeks of campaigning can’t end soon enough


For those waafers needing a little good news.

Harris County (Houston) cast 887k votes total in 2016.



On one hand Hillary sucks. On the other hand it is hard for me to not see her as a victim of the right wing media grinder and have some sympathy for her.


I knew a fair number of people fired up to vote for her. I get that a lot of people voted for her begrudgingly, but a lot else genuinely wanted her to win. No harm in appealing to those people imo.

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She was the first big pusher of universal health care in our lifetimes and the RW media spent 25+ years trying to destroy her for it. She is far from perfect but she didn’t deserve her reputation either.

This is coming from a begrudging Hill voter who thinks she deserves a lot of blame for Trump.