BOOOOO this poll

AK really isn’t in play according to this poll. (some will try to note 45 with that many undecideds is like hillary in 16 but I see a libertarian with a big fat 8 and he’s up 6)

You have to wonder if there are actual meetings about ways to not report this stuff at fox.

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Clinton ran basically the same ad and it didn’t do her any good.

what the actual fuck is wrong with him? after listing items like the blue dress and a collection of french anti-semitic cartoons the article drops this answer, which i am sure polls well with the ladies.

“I want to be surrounded by things that make me happy because every day I am surrounded by things that make me sad,” says Luntz. “In my real life, there is an awful lot of anger and disappointment and even a sense of betrayal. So I come to this home to get away from all of that. This home is like an oasis of peace and quiet within a tempest of chaos and hell.” He says he plans to donate the memorabilia to the Smithsonian one day. “This house is a celebration of the American idea,” he says. “Even though we know the truth about the country and what it has become.”

There’s no way to know this. Maybe she didn’t run it enough!!!

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Alaskan libertarians are more likely to hold the line, though. I pulled this completely out my ass but I think it’s true.

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Yeah but everybody hates her.


Apolitical people who hate politicians and think trump counters them even though he is worse then them. Same as his base. There are a lot more deplorables out there then normally vote.

I’ve got a few I work with. Hope they don’t vote…

Can’t wait for SCOTUS to overturn this in an emergency decision


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Anyone who cares about open carrying at a polling site already believes the 2A gives them complete freedom to ignore this decision anyway

Wtf how was this ok before? That’s insane. Definitely gonna be a ton of proud boys open carrying at polling stations

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judge barret, how will you rule in the Bugaloo v. Michigan case?



They’re finna steal FL y’all

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And in 11/12 months of the year Americans would be :sunglasses: with this

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Not even, it’s a rule from the Secretary of State who I guess has a lot of authority regarding election rules. I live in a more rural part of the State where open carry is a bit common (but still rare) and I doubt this will do jack shit. What, some poll worker is supposed to confront an armed person and tell them to GTFO? Then what? They call the cops who is likely to be just as deplorable to enforce a declaration from a SoS? Doubtful. If there were any plans for right wing terrorists to “watch” the polls, they will be undeterred and the level of resistance they receive is the same as it would have been.

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Anyone posting Vince memes that end this way should eat a ban. WAAF memes need their own format. Vince is for those of us whose mental health needs shut out all bad polls and focus on the outliers showing a Biden landslide.


Yea WTF that scared the crap out of me. I had go look and see the poll.

Whatever, we don’t need FL anyway if PA is +5.

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