Man, an A+ pollster publishes a fucking Biden +4 in (checks notes) North Carolina which isn’t even close to a Biden must-win, and people in here catch a case of the ho-hums?


No, they’ll be demanding more representation from the rural states.

Wyoming will have as many EC votes as New York and California combined if they got their way

New A rated poll showing Trump 49, Biden 42 in Indiana

Indiana was 57% Trump, 38% Hillary in 2016


Hard to get excited about a poll when the undecideds are double the difference between the candidates. We all know how those undecideds really vote.


Futile despair is my favorite drug and I’m not ashamed to say so

Two more important differences:

  1. Biden has much higher favorability ratings. Hillary being hated almost certainly influenced Comey’s decision, as well as the ensuing media coverage. Biden being more likable insulates him somewhat from events like this. And it’s also good for undecided voters.

  2. Many people were convincing themselves Trump couldn’t be that bad. Not possible to do that this time.


compare this to nejm and lol

The image they used is so flattering

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man I’m on team GA blue but ossoff ain’t winning by 6.

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Nate Cohn indicated that a lot of those undecideds are likely not going to actually vote, so I’m not sure I agree with you. There’s also no reason to think the undecideds will all break towards Trump this time just because they broke towards him in 2016. Undecideds rarely break towards the incumbent.

Ethan, it’s Maria Athens from Fox/ABC/CW/News Net National Alaska. Uh, I just learned through my g- my, eh, ah…Emmy-award winning journalism, you’re also a pedophile and like little girls and children, and there’s a website. I’m so fucking exposing you. I’m gonna get an Emmy. So you either turn yourself in, kill yourself, or do what you need to do. I will personally kill you and Mara Kimmel my god damn self, you Jewish piece of living fucking shit. You have met your match, motherfucker. You have met your motherfucking match. I can’t believe- I am such a good person, and thought I loved you. I fucking hate- I don’t even hate you. I will pray for your Zionist fucking ass, you piece of shit loser. And, I’m putting this on the news tonight. Bye! Have a great Friday, you motherfucker!


On October 14, 2020 the 538 aggregate poll tracker had Clinton up 6.7 points total over Trump, 49.4 to 42.7. 538 currently has BIden up 10.4, 52.3 to 41.9. The races aren’t even remotely similar. Biden’s Current aggregate total in North Carolina is +3.3, 49 to 45.7. Out of the 20 or so polls you list there, only one has HRC at 49, the rest have her lower. These are not comparable situations.


True stories that are $100% true and actually happened.

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for those that want to WAAF same pollster 4 years ago October 20th had hillary 49, trump 41 in NC.


Is this 538?

Those numbers don’t lie and they spell disaster for Trump at sackerfice.


There were rumors she was being considered. With Biden being an octogenerian soon the VP taking over is a definite possibility.

I think most Americans are okay with a president who looks like this:


I am less certain that they are okay with their president looking like this:

Trump’s gonna ramble incoherently about Hunter Biden and Ukraine at the townhall, isn’t he?

Reports suggested with many in the electorate thinking Joe was going to die in office, they didn’t want to pick someone with no experience. Also he didn’t know her at all.

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