Maybe Trump isn’t in any shape to be on stage for 2h.

People like Trump are a good enough reason to give people broad power to regulate speech.


Regulating speech works! I dont know why Americans absolutely never want to concede this.


Its the Greatest Country In The World, so if the USA does something different than all the other countries then that means that the USA way is better. That’s why their health care system provides better results at lower cost than all the other countries.


The industry isn’t going to do it and there is too much money for the government to do it. Essentially WAAF

speaking of this:

A guy i know from 13-14 years ago, 2p2 glory days, tends to text me whenever Alabama has a big game thats close and we chat. So he hit me up last night. He lives in California and always has at least since I’ve known him, white, i think in his 40’s now, maybe late 40s, married, no kids. Well I was like i know it doesnt really matter since you’re in cali but you are voting for Biden right?

He’s like I hate them both, so i jokingly said oh you’re for bernie then right, knowing there was no way that was true. He said “nah i like my stock portfolio and i like having power as a world country, too many members of my family are high up in the military that tell the truth about what is really going on…, thats not BS, no political bias, just truth.”

I said I’m not sure what that means.

He said “its not something the left side or the news reeports.says he finds it almost impossible to care about politics. Politicians only tell you what they think you will vote for etc.”

I said eh one party actually tries to help people, the other active opposes helping people.

He replies “and in doing so sacrifices the entire country’s success” “One party doesn’t understand world economics and political stature, nor standup to make our economy better for future generations”

I said i don’t think making sure people have healthcare is going to sacrifice our countrys success.

He says “I think people need to gedt to work and quit whining, i see plenty of jobs available and lots of people avoiding working.”

I said that doesn’t have anything to do with what i said.

Him: To me it does because i worked to pay for my healthcare and my families my whole life

I said i have as well, still doesnt change that its a shit system and you can still get fucked over and bankrupted with insurance.

Then he goes on to say that we make it cost billions to get new drugs approved and dont want the pharm companies to even make money lmaoooooooooooooooooo

I said they make billions now dude and he says yea but you dont know what they SPEND.

I made a comment about insulin and he says anyone can get insulin with programs taxpayers pay for already, i said insurance companies are more cancerous then pharm and he says he hates insurance companies and then quickly changed the subject back to the game.


edit: i realize he didn’t clarify which party doesnt understand world economics but im going to assume he meant Dems, judging by everything he said he votes R when he votes IMO


Speech has always been regulated in America, it just hasn’t been regulated for the powerful. Blacks, women, communists, Muslims, plenty of groups have had their speech restricted or straight up outlawed. The pushback against speech restrictions are just another example of the wealthy, privileged, and powerful saying “rules for thee but not for me.”


Exactly. Why mess with such a good thing?

Just got back from a 2mi walk along the strand and to the end of the pier. Wore a Biden shirt.
Got a couple of thumbs up and one couple saying “landslide”, as well as a few side eyes from old white guys. Note that I’m about 6’2", 310 lbs, white, and fairly strong, so at least make some impression. The pier is fairly busy Sunday afternoon, so probably passed a few hundred people.

Took pics of all the campaign signs I saw. One was vote dogs, one was we believe science, etc., and one was for the GOP congressional candidate. (I checked and there was no hidden Trump sign). So, 0 Trump or Biden signs (except mine, not pictured), but there was a one-boat Trump boat parade.

Boat Parade


I was promised devastating polls, and I’m getting impatient. I need that Biden +20 fix or a strong hit of that good Lindsey Graham Losing shit.


Yeah, if that +12 was a “devastating” poll then that guy needs to eat a one day twitter ban IMO.


Could be this



loool our country is the laughing stock of the entire world, a complete joke, tourists aint coming to visit this shit hole and nobody in the world gives a flying fuck what we think about anything thanks to 63 million morons electing donald j trump as president, but sure ya having a fucking asshole as president who talks about how USA#1 we are is what we need



@remindme 1pm 10/12

Can’t be NYT, it’s still in the field, and was certainly in the field last night when that tweet was made. I think we were sold a load of hooey tbh.

By Wasserman? Seems unlikely.

He did say 24-48 hours.

Wasserman could have been referring to the +12 ABC/WAPO poll, which, to be fair, would have been a devastating result two weeks ago.

22 hours ago… Waiting isn’t fun!