Ya I was being a bit of smart ass but at some point “favoured” seems a little weak.

BTW I think someone already mentioned the latest model talk, but Nate said if the election were held today the model gives Biden a 95% chance to win and that it’s pretty hard for the model to go further than that.


I asked my old stats professor and he says you’re correct

I caught that Smirconish bit as well. Not only horrible analytically, but absolutely awful in presentation as he repetitively went through the same formulaic comparison for each state.

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It was journalist malpractice.

smurk is one of those old-guard guys that nate was talking about when he came up with the “a bet is a tax on bullshit” line. dude is totally useless


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Has this been posted yet?

Also, is it sexist? Yes, I think it is.

Seems kind of effective in a sense, though. I know it’s men we need to worry about, not women, but in general I like the idea of giving people permission to quietly forget about a previous mistake.

It’s taken from this:


Smerkabitch always comes with the most incisive commentary

  1. No with a but;
  2. Yes with an if.


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Um ok

Really strange post, I wasn’t posting a word problem, it was more about a cnn commentator comparing the candidate to a virus.

Two of my neighbors had both Trump and Messner signs on their lawns, and this morning both Trump signs were gone.

Thank you, TikTok!




Lot to unpack on this one. Apparently the GOP thinks that anyone gives a shit about immigration in 2020. And why the decent shot of Biden but potato quality Tina Smith? :thinking:

There’s one person in my neighborhood (who looks like a fat ex-cop) that had Trump signs up. He had 2, then there was one that looked like it had been stomped on and now it’s just a Trump flag hanging from a 2nd story window. About 15 Biden signs in the area (PA suburb).


I’m aware of what you were doing. You clearly were not aware of what I was doing.

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I dunno that I’d call it ‘sexist’ per se, or maybe just that ‘sexist’ is too vague. From the context, you assume it’s a regretted one-night stand, but at the end, it plays more like escape from an abusive relationship. The former I’d defend on the grounds that, well, consider a gender-flipped version. Clearly much much worse, right? So calling that sexist implies an almost Spinal Tap-like understanding of ‘sexism’.

The latter I’d think very distasteful. And I mean, I remember the Bush years and hell, even the Obama years. There was a lot of talk from libs/the left, probably including me, about GOP voters having battered spouse syndrome etc. Definitely not going to draw that comparison these days.

I take your point about effectiveness, though. I had a similar idea, with a series of ads featuring people in MAGA gear watching montages of Trump’s most clownish bits, each ad scored to a different version of this song tailored to the socio-economic coding of the characters in each ad (there’s a surprisingly large and varied number of covers). They’d start out cheerful and happy and gradually become sombre and depressed or something like that.

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The thread is worth reading, olds keep getting sick at the rally