Would be nice to finally be living in a Blue State. We can do it!


Senate races are still dunno yet but fwiw, I do think Biden ends up winning Georgia.

I was hoping nobody would notice those voting figures ah well secret’s out. (though do we know who they’re voting for?, well obviously they’d skew biden but how big a number I don’t know)



Good! That’s more time than we have to vote early in NY

Yeah but NY is allowing “fear of contracting Covid” as a reason to request an absentee ballot, so NY clearly wins on ballot access against Texas.

NY voting laws suck ass all around.

Looks like of the accepted votes so far in Georgia, it’s overwhelmingly white and >50 years old. Significantly higher percentage of women, but not the devastation that the other two categories are.

Meh olds hate chaos, and Trump is more chaos than they have ever seen in their lifetime. Old and white still is bad, but I don’t think it will be near as bad as it has been in the past.

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The only time the presidential candidate for whom I voted won the state in which I voted was my first election, when I voted for Bill Clinton absentee in Wisconsin.

EDIT: Looking at the 1996 electoral map is nuts. It’s like an entirely different country. KY, TN, MO, AR, LA, WV all blue.

I wonder how different it will look in 2044.

Bob Dole carried GA in 1996
Clinton won GA in 1992 though

My first vote was for Gore in 2000, so my entire adult life I’ve been dealing with this bullshit.

Very Good episode of Model Talk.


So my buddy invited me over for a socially distanced beer by his fire pit tonight. Then his neighbor swung by. Nice guy, Democrat, hates Trump. We’re chatting and he mentions it’s a shame his vote doesn’t count.

We’re in PA so we’re like “Uhhh, what?”

He says he’s still registered in NJ. I’m like “The hell you are! You’ve got until October 19 to register in PA.”

My buddy plans to knock on his door daily until it’s done.

+1 in PA


Texas back on the menu?


I remember reading that Texas has the lowest voter turnout of any state in the country and its really bad, I feel like there are a lot potential votes in Texas.

Why haven’t dems increased voter turnout there through just on the ground efforts? Is voter suppression there worse than usual? Seems like it’d be a great place to throw resources into during the off season.

The Warnock number is pretty incredible. He’s definitely going to make it to the runoff at this point.



Still just “favoured” though. Hmm.

Fucking smirconish doing a horrific 2016 to 2020 poll comparison just randomly comparing polls from different sources and different weeks. So brutal.


I think you may be joking, but if not would you be hoping for “heavily favored”?

I wonder if they have anything stronger than favored; seems like they might not, out of an ass-covering impulse.