We’re in territory where just barely winning the tipping point state leaves us vulnerable to shenanigans. What is the cheating-proof tipping point state where if Biden wins it then Trump has no path to cheating?

If Biden takes Ohio, can Trump still steal the election? If not, is there a state closer to the tipping point where Trump also cannot steal the election if Biden wins?

R’s have lost OH before, but losing GA or especially TX would be an existential crisis for the GOP. I don’t think it’s likely to happen, but if it did, it would force them to immediately overhaul everything or else keep being an opposition party into perpetuity.

Can’t be helping the Ohio GOP that their leader is a criminal.

Are we still bed wetters?

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I’m not a bed wetter and am not of the opinion that WAAF. Trump is just psyching people out, likely to his detriment.

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edit: oops, this is the OH poll Nate Cohen posted about above.


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x-post front the Trump thread.

If Biden outperforms polls in a couple of early states, red and blue, the writing will be on the wall, even for late counting absentee states. Everyone will say that Trump is done and that will skuttle whatever shenanigans Trump is up to (which are more limited than he lets on). His comments about the election are the same as his coronavirus response, his healthcare plan, or peace with North Korea, and his strategy for basically everything else, talk a lot of shit and do nothing. Talking shit is easy, planning and doing things is hard, which is why his whole presidency has been talk shit and issue executive orders.

He’s bluffed 50 times in a row and now everyone is panicked that he’s holding the nuts. He’s holding shit.

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My county, in fact. I did not vote early today but I did register my new address online (oops almost forgot to do that) so once that’s processed I’ll be joining these folks in line to vote early. No mail voting for me this year.


Would you say that it would lead to the tragic death of the Republican party?


I agree with this take



To all the “Biden could win GA” dreamers, you might want to remember who’s running the elections there. :man_shrugging:


Trump, along w/ the long term work put in by the Rs, are not bluffing, that’s not an accurate way to describe the situation. When your opponent has to win by 7 points just to feel comfortable then you have pushed your edge to the max. Plus making it harder for your opponent’s supporters to vote to start with.

This is something I used to miss when looking at authoritarianism regimes in other countries in the news, until we got it here at home. The thug despot is rarely despised by a large majority of his people.

They have strong minority support and leverage that to power, and their leverage grows over time so that it becomes more and more difficult to root him out.


The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity?


The counterpoint to this is let’s talk about some times he spent 6 months relentlessly talking about something and then didn’t actually attempt to do anything. I can’t think of anything. Besides, contesting the election is not going to be some tricky mastermind plan. Send the lawyers in to battleground states and contest the mail in vote. Appeal to the SC. See what happens. That’s the most likely outcome of the election in my opinion and all the pieces are in place for it to work.


Will there be polls that ask if one has already voted and who did you vote for? I don’t know if that is even legal.



lol, are you saying they found blank ballots that were thrown away? CALL THE PRESS


I can’t understand why people are willing to wait in line for hours just to vote on the first day of early voting.

Then again, I never understood why people would wait hours (or overnight) to see a movie or buy something that will still be available a week from now.