It goes against everything the other polls are saying though.

The latest Marist poll has Biden +21 with under 40s and +7 with 40-55, but only +2 with 56-75.

Unless Florida is weird in this way for some reason, these crosstabs don’t seem to be in line with other polls at all.

Ah ok, fair enough. I haven’t been following the cross tabs for any polls. Hopefully these are just weird outliers.

The focus will not be on the SCOTUS nominee for 7 weeks. We still have THREE debates. There will probably be several more Trump scandals before election day. There is such a long time left.

(I’m still freaking out, to be clear)


The most depressing thing to me is that it is hard to see the actual results of the vote mattering unless it is such a huge Biden blowout they can’t shenanigan it. Anything close will be contested and Trump wins. Even with a Biden win a 6-3 Supreme Court means we move backwards for at least 2, probably 4 years. Then we have to hope the next elections elect actual competent decent human beings to a large Dem majority. That involves primarying most of them or shaming them into retirement. Then they need to do something about the Supreme Court and pass sweeping legislation on a whole host of issues.

That entire parlay is probably 100-1 or worse and is literally our only chance.

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you need a lot of 65+ people to die from covid from now to Nov 3rd to get that parlay going. That’s at least doable.

My best guess on that poll shifting to Trump is that the likely voter screen is working to his advantage.

I mean among educated people their is a pro-Biden/anti-Trump enthusiasm advantage but among the unwashed masses the Trump enthusiasm advantage is off the charts.

Could well be WAAF…

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I know you’re saying this is an outlier, but just to be safe…



Wasn’t sarcasm, but I mean if no one cares about 200,000 covid deaths because Trump’s tricked them into thinking it would have been 2 million without his efforts, then you’re fighting a losing battle and it’s probably time to start coming to terms with what’s about to happen.


No one cares about 200,000 Covid deaths because they want to go to parties and restaurants and watch sports.


I don’t even think it’s because of Trump tricking anyone. It’s just become normalized. A “this is the way life is now” kinda thing.

edit: lol and what catface said

Basically the ultimate no1curr.

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Biden +4 would probably be ok. Anything less than that is probably gg




That’s more like it!

I’m seeing it alot more aling the lines of general distrust of egghead epidemiologists, politicized CDC(6%!), and deep stater FauxChi. Repubes here are all in on the conspiracy and don’t even recognize the 200K thing.


Yeah, those are, uh, not getting Vinced.


This is the one time I would argue for less public data but can someone explain the value of polling being public? It seems like a huge net negative.

Private groups do surveys and publish the results. Are you suggesting that in the battle against fascism the government prohibit people from doing polls and publishing them?


Not sure what I am suggesting. Just questioning what value they have.

France, Italy, Spain and India ban them some time in advance of election day. The UK bans them on the day of the election only.