I mean if Boomers actually deliver FL for Biden, I will take a quiet walk in the woods and reflect on what I’ve said about them.


Doing the ad with him driving a Corvette was a shrewd way of appealing to that demographic.


I fucking won’t. The reason they flipped is that something actually affected them for once. You can literally use the date Boomers became important politically as the date when the country started going to shit and stopped even trying to do anything about it.

This thing would probably be close because of their 401k’s if there wasn’t a virus floating around in the air that kills 10% of the Boomers who catch it.


Well, not everyone’s as altruistic as Unstuckers, and most people probably vote in alignment with what they see as their own interests.

The problem with boomers is that there’s so fucking many of them who want to pay as little tax as possible and don’t like non-whites living near them.

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I was going through the new 538 article: When To Expect Election Results In Every State | FiveThirtyEight

Saw this for Alaska:

Democrats need to start playing hard ball and doing shit like this that clearly benefits their base. Fuck Republicans.


The problem with Boomers was actually very well laid out by Peter Thiel of all people. They were born into a time of plenty and things always improved year after year during their formative years. This engendered into them a notion that this was the natural way of things, and that things would get better and there wasn’t a whole lot they personally could do to change that. Peter Thiel called that indefinite optimism. This is as opposed to indefinite pessimism (the world is terrible and there’s nothing I can do about it, WAAF lol), and then the definite versions of both optimism and pessimism where you believe things can get better if you do the right stuff and try hard, or believe that you can stave off disaster if you do the right stuff and try hard (the dominant state of the middle ages according to Thiel).

This is one of two frameworks I’ve lifted from Thiel because I think it’s good work that’s pretty sound. The other one is how to tell if a company is a monopoly or not… which I am much more certain of than the stuff this post is about.


Actually, the Alaska thing doubly pisses me off. If this situation was reversed, guaranteed the GOP sues and tries to get votes thrown out or force those people to vote in person. Did Democrats do anything?

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Sumter County (The Villages) is over 100 percent of 2016 voter turnout, so I guess we’re going to get an answer on this. If Biden wins it is absolutely going to be because of Boomers.




Pretty sure this was the third video to be shown on MTV after Video Killed the Radio Star and Whip It.

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Not really going to complain about people 65 and older getting absentee ballots. To me it is a start to where everyone can vote by mail/remotely.

The 65 up bracket is the group that is most likely to have physical limitations getting out to the polls. Personally I want EVERYONE voting.

I know you aren’t implying to flip the script and suppress republican voters but I just wanted to note I can’t get upset about that treatment of the elderly, no matter how poorly they vote.*

*unless they live in The Villages in The Florida then F em.


Someone pointed out to me yesterday that 401ks are so new that we are only now about to see what happens when an entire generation retires on it. First time experiments always go well.

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I’ve always been very torn here.

On one hand, agreed that voter suppression sucks and that more people voting is right.

On the other hand, if you play by stricter rules than your opponents it’s hard to win. And winning is important here.

So… I don’t know.

(Edit: And to be clear, I was considering suppressing Republican votes. :). This above paragraph also displays my feelings about gerrymandering. It’s clearly wrong. There are good solutions. If only Democratic states follow them, we’re fucked).

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I would have had Money For Nothing pretty high on my list of possible first MTV videos

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For some reason my brain thinks Cuts Like a Knife was a steady early song on MTV, but I’m not sure if that’s just a faulty memory.


Roy Cooper +19.

Not a typo.


Money for Nothing was released in 1985. Too Shy was from 1983. MTV launched in 1981.


Well shit. Not even close

I hope it’s a disaster honestly. I want formerly middle class boomers to finish their days living on a government provided fixed income that is a pubic hair over the current poverty line. That’s more than they deserve, but I’m a humanitarian I guess.

All that has to happen for this to come to pass is we need to start spending money to prop up our people and make it easier for them to prosper instead of spending it on bailing out huge organizations that should have been in a great position to deal with it (but aren’t because you always bail them out ldo). We stop printing money to prop up the financial markets (because of the pension funds that will busto if they don’t hit an unrealistic rate of return and the all important market value of the Boomers 401k’s which need to be cashed out over time) and this happens pretty quickly I suspect.

If it sounds to you like the Boomers have found a way to bail themselves out and not bail anyone else out… you would be right. Once you see how toxic the basic shared ideas the Boomer generation has across ideological lines are you see them everywhere. This dystopia we’re all living in has been pretty decent for the median white Boomer. “Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming “Wow! What a Ride!” is a Hunter S Thompson quote that the Boomers are absolutely trying to live by as a generation… except that body is what they are leaving behind for the rest of us. Don’t kid yourselves, they are our enemies and are out to get us. If they get their way we’ll spend our old age in the Mad Max cinematic universe… so fuck 'em.

It’s important to note that nonwhite nonprivileged Boomers have very few of the shared pathologies of this demographic I’m talking about… but there are plenty of so called progressive Boomers who grew up pretty well off who have every single one of these terrible ideas baked right into them.