

Unions went tits up.

I’m conflicted. I want to give this 2 hearts because it fills me with hope and joy to see such positive energy at the polls, but at the same time it’s gross that voting is such a chore for so many. There should not be hours long lines that require entertainment to keep folks there. But fuck yea go Philly!!!


Holy shit. This poll dropped and my heart sank. I think Biden is finished.



I don’t know if this applies to WV but something similar has happened in several European countries.

Starting in the 80s the traditional working class (coal miner, construction worker, factory worker etc.) decreased as a portion of the overall workforce/electorate. This was taken by Social Democratic/Labour parties as a cue to try to appeal more to the middle class, office worker and similar employees. This attempt at broadening their base came at the cost of losing their loyal working class voters when the left parties were hard to distinguish from the conservatives from the working man’s perspective (austerity measures, raising the retirement age, freezing pensions).


Inside scoop from The Villages:

Been varying my dog walk routes a bit, and found the MAGA house. They have a giant flag pole with American flag and Trump/Pence flag, a massive truck that had been heavily modified to be ‘cool’, tons of banners and political ads.

Pretty disheartened to see they had the school district guy I voted for. Granted, I know nothing about the area, but that guy was the one who had a functional professional website so I figured he had his shit together a little bit. Now i’m questioning that decision.

Everything else is fps imo. Let PR vote on statehood, but congress can make dc into 10 states at the stroke of a pen. F packing the court, pack the Senate.

No worky

Have you payed attention to the supreme court at all? They would immediately find DC statehood unconstitutional. They are an EXTREMELY partisan branch of government that will stop at nothing to secure right wing dominance.

You need to pack the court otherwise any attemps by democrats to do anything good with be struck down.

In America, the Republicans offfer them racism and guns and the Neoliberal Democrats tell them to go learn to code or something, so it’s not surprising they decide to go with the Republicans.

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DC would be hard to flip even in a neutral court given Article 1.

The focus has to be voting rights. You make that solid, the rest comes.

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Damn, that sucks

Not nearly enough capacity for a quick count

So did your pony

Democrats used to be the racist party, and West Virginia was slow to adjust after the Southern Strategy.

Oh shit that’s huge. They could count them all by 8pm??? Or do those have to be used for regular ballots, too?

Well that was a fun 20 seconds of happiness.


SCOTUS is going to throw out all ballots not counted anywhere by 11:59 PM next Tuesday. Biden is going to need to be in the lead by then.


If it comes down to a few states that are still counting on 11/4, right wingers and possibly even ICE or Bill Barr’s Gestapo will physically prevent the remaining votes from being counted and SCOTUS will deliver the election to Trump. This has been their very obvious plan for months.


The probability for violence is really fucking high. We really need a blowout.