Potential outcomes of Russian invasion of Ukraine discussion (WWIII/nukes?)

What’s awful about it?

i misspoke, it’s sociapathic.



What’s sociopathic about it?

Lots of collegiate level philosophy courses/classes include discussions that are completely sociopathic. Can’t imagine studying it.

that’s great. we can talk about it in the future. if we stay alive.

I spent a lot of time studying that sort of stuff. It’s how I naturally think about such things and the sort of discourse I sometimes seek in this forum.

I mean this thread really shouldn’t exist then.

Edit: to be clear, I have zero interest in the conversations in this thread. I was just pointing out that often philosophical conversations do boil down to icky stuff as a lot of the analysis requires taking an immensely impersonal approach.

I mean, I can see a scenario where a single tac nuke pops off and it stays contained. It’s a huge longshot even in that limited situation, but maybe we can fade a 5% chance of avoiding total obliteration in that situation

Is nuking Moscow the correct response if Putin uses a low-yield tactical nuke on the battlefield in Ukraine?

correct? absolutely not.

will it actually be the response, seems like it’s definitely in the conversation

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What’s the correct response from a purely strategic, game-theoretical POV?

France and the UK have their own nukes, do they just sit idly by while neighbors and allies are nuked? The US doesn’t even need to be involved for their to be a nuclear exchange. And then once that happens, Russia might as well just nuke US anyways because fuck it.

No, killing millions of innocents for the sins of one or a small number of people isn’t the correct response. Assassinating or capturing Putin and anyone who had anything to do with the decision would be very appropriate though.

Is killing hundreds of innocents acceptable collateral damage to assassinate Putin by dropping a (non-nuclear) bomb on him?

While we’re on the topic, the fact that US History is taught in a way that essentially glorifies dropping nukes on Japan, instead of correctly teaching that this was a war crime has been a giant mistake. Truman is the WOAT President for making this decision and to date being the only world leader to ever authorize use of a nuclear weapon.


In this case likely, as this essentially becomes a trolley problem.

Everything is the the trolley problem.

any preemptive or responsive nuclear strikes on russia will be aimed at reducing russia’s military capacity, including nuclear capacity. i obviously don’t know if nukes are in moscow, but my guess is they are around not in it.

also, there’s a whole place, Rublevka, west of moscow where most of the neo-politburo lives. just sayn