Potential outcomes of Russian invasion of Ukraine discussion (WWIII/nukes?)

Doesn’t anyone want to be optimistic that the Russkies will find a way to fuck up a nuclear strike that should be easy?

This is fascinating but makes me even more confident that the correct play is to shrug, hold my gf and my dog, and accept death–which is nice because now I don’t have to think about some sort of crazy escape plan. Thanks for sharing the research.

I’d probably go for an underground metro station.

That’s not a bad idea tbh. The orange line runs underground for a ways going west. Could walk along the tracks and hope that when we pop out the easterly winds lower fallout a bit. Good call.

Then it’s, uh… walk to west virginia, I guess

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Cuse you need to go outside.

I think San Diego would be targeted before LA, tbh. Nuclear sub base plus significant surface Naval assets equals priority target for someone wanting to cripple our nuclear triad.

IOW, I’m fucked. No one here even has a basement, and the only roads that head inland are 2-lane. I-8 just heads to Yuma, which would probably be a secondary target anyway.

What a weird week for me. I feel like I’m living in a fog of grief and fear coupled with a strange sort of detachment.


The highway scenario is a common one from my old dreams: headed east in heavy traffic out of Phoenix with my family as fireballs flash to the west and mushroom clouds rise. Sometimes airliners fall out of the sky onto the road. I wake up about that point.

With zero research: Green Bank, West Virginia. Get a motorcycle now. Needs more than 20 minutes, but good location.

Found this from a few years ago, think it was also posted in the other thread

If a nuke comes I’m driving straight towards it. Should have the highway to myself. See you all in the next life at UnstuckPoliticsRev1


I’m just gonna go hop in Lake Michigan and dunk my head under when I see the missile falling

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If you are killed in a nuclear attack, do you want your death avenged by a retaliatory nuclear strike?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

there are too many triangles near me, a few of them I’m ???

wouldn’t think to blow that place up if I was an adversary, edit–duh it’s the nuke plant but some of them are being shut down, UPDATE ENEMY MAPS GOOGLE

The 2000 vs 500 warhead scenarios sound like euphemisms for we get hit with a first strike vs we hit them first.

I say no but that decision’s getting made for me. And in a large attack the aggressor may have effectively killed himself anyway, even if there’s no retaliatory strike.

When my son was in his formative teen years and watching stuff like Halloween & Texas Chainsaw etc he asked me what the scariest film I’d ever seen was.

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I’m going to speculate that your chances of surviving a nuclear war are very negatively correlated with how much time you spend fantasizing about absurd scenarios for surviving a nuclear war.


you’ve thought this out that much and don’t already have a weapon? c’mon man, go get a gun.


my area loses power for a couple hours like, every other month. almost always at night. my mom and i were talking about what i’d do to a) know that an emp burst happened, and b) survive it.

told her that when the power goes out at home, i always check to see if my phone still works. if it didn’t, i’d grab my keys and try to start my car. if it didn’t start, i’m grabbing a pistol and walking the ~3 minutes to dollar general and looting the everloving shit out of it. nobody is coming to stop me and i’m hoping nobody figured out that the power ain’t coming back on yet.

the second part is a little more cringy, bc once i’m positive that we’re in for a decade of the early 1800’s, i’m gonna start picking the weak spots in my neighborhood and relieve them of their stuff.

everything works out fine unless….

other people have guns.

go get a gun, man. keep it locked up or whatever, but literally none of your thoughts/planning works unless you can defend your stuff, and nobody is selling/trading you a gun 24 hours after a nuclear exchange.