Potential outcomes of Russian invasion of Ukraine discussion (WWIII/nukes?)

Your (and most of our) moral failings when it comes to Yemen are different because you are asking nothing of the Yemeni, have nothing to gain from them, and very little to fear from any part of that conflict.

The war in Ukraine is already affecting most of us directly more than any other in our lifetimes, and has the potential to get so much worse.

And you still aren’t answering the question.

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You will do your part if you continue to vote for and support progressive politicians.

Your question doesn’t make any sense. I don’t get to choose what I lose, it’ll just happen. Like what am I going to give up for Lent/Ukraine war?

love your enemy

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OK but I’m sure that you take my point that Yemen is a war that you and I are directly responsible for. The war in Ukraine, well, I say that the US has some responsibility for the conflict but the rest of you vehemently disagree. So where does my moral responsibility for the Ukrainian war come from, exactly?

What if the people and countries that are most well off have a moral duty to be altruistic?






Part of a longer thread. A Ukrainian’s POV on why this is happening.

It sounds bleak for any hope Russia will change its stripes. But you probably could have said the same about Japan in 1940. Russian people have now had a short taste of democracy (which didn’t go well) followed by a long taste of Western consumer goods. Maybe that makes a difference.

I dunno man. You could make a pretty clear argument that if Nicholas II’s son didn’t have hemophilia, Rasputin doesn’t get so much influence in the government so it becomes a little more functional, Russia’s military/gov doesn’t collapse before the end of WW1 and they end up with a mixed parliament/monarchy system like so many other European countries.

Makes me super uncomfortable to take ‘Ethnic group/Country X can’t be a modern/democratic/euro country’ seriously.


Well that’s basically what I said in my second paragraph, and why I qualified it with a Ukrainian’s view of Russia. I do think it’s useful to know how each side views the other, for various reasons.

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This reminds me of how people were talking about Iraq circa 2003. “They will never become a modern country, they don’t know how to exist as a democracy, they only understand strength, blah blah blah.”


Also, “black people just don’t have a culture of hard work”. I really don’t think being ruled by an emperor is a fucking congenital condition. Russians just love dictators guys, they’re crazy for them. Forget that europe was dynastically ruled for over 1000 years. Russia has been dynastically ruled for over 1000 years so we have to starve them all to death because they don’t know what good for themselves. They’ve all got Tsaritis and it’s genetic.


Being Russian, I have to say that my personal feeling is that Russians (that’s, those who don’t leave when they have the chance) do have something of a predilection for dictators.

You guys still are all technically owned by the queen, right?

I don’t believe so.

…whatevers though as I don’t really want to get into a symantic argument about which verb is correct there.

Yeah it’s sad, I just don’t get the concept of freedom. Please kill me until I understand it.


Let’s assume Putin dies.

What happens?

Sure seems unlikely its “man this was a really stupid war, bring the troops home and apologize to the world”

Probably the same thing that would happen if Bush dies a month in to the Iraq war.

Dick Cheney becomes president?


half his administration will flee. the other half will have nowhere to go.

Russian Dick Cheney! Whoever that is, I’m sure he’s nice.