Potential outcomes of Russian invasion of Ukraine discussion (WWIII/nukes?)

It’s hard to imagine Russia committing nuclear murder/suicide unless Moscow is being invaded and Putin and company is destined to die in a bunker.

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I am willing to strike with nukes to retaliate for a strike on allies or on the US. Nuclear deterrence is based on retaliation for attacks on ourselves or our allies. If we ignore a nuclear attack on a non-aligned country that doesn’t damage our deterrence because they’re not under the US nuclear umbrella.

What would your response be? Nuke a Russian city?

What about attacks on non-NATO allies?



What the fuck. These were supposedly dropped on one of the civilian corridors

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NATO attack on Russian forces in the Ukraine, conventional or possibly with tactical nukes (although there are obvious issues with using those on Ukrainian soil).

I mean there is not going to be use of strategic nukes in Ukraine, but if there were then they would have to be being used for strategic purposes, that is, to force the West to comply with Russian demands. So although the nuclear target is not in an allied country, the strategic use of the weapon would still be directed against the US and its allies.

Before your reply is “well the West shouldn’t get itself so deeply embroiled in Ukraine that something like that might happen”, I agree. This is a theoretical discussion just like “would you respond to a nuclear first strike” is theoretical. If we get to either a situation of a Russian nuclear launch against the US or of a nuclear strike on a Ukrainian city, then clearly already MISTAKES WERE MADE.


I believe this is what we call “reiterating a red line”, just for clarity’s sake. Maybe also trying to convince Poland to give up those jets.

Does this include their supply lines inside Ukraine?


Well now I’m kind of confused, because obviously I think that Sleepy Joe would respond with force if Ukraine was nuked. But then you would have handled the last 14 months very differently if you were Biden, right? You wouldn’t have sent a bunch of antitank missiles to Ukraine or had a bunch of US special forces training Ukrainian soldiers. You would have backed off NATO expansion to Ukraine and maybe generally just chilled the fuck out. But Biden did all that shit, but let’s say you warg into Biden a moment after the nuke goes off. Obviously Sleepy Joe would do the retaliation, bigly. But why would ChrisV Joe double down on all of Biden’s mistakes in that moment? Pressing buttons got us into this mess, pressing the big button isn’t going to help anything.

A strategic nuclear strike in Ukraine of any significant size would also dump radioactive contamination all over some of the most important farmland in the world.

So would the next Chernobyl that there are rumors the Russians may threaten to create.

I just don’t see that happening. They eat that food too, and their own most productive farmland is right next door.

Exactly. Does anyone think Putin could Nuke Ukraine without dumping radioactive fallout on NATO countries?

Any use of nukes inside Ukraine is then an attack on NATO

No, I would totally have sent weapons to Ukraine. There is a lot of precedent that that sort of military aid is allowable within the “rules of the game” so to speak, so I don’t think that alone carries a serious risk of escalation. But I’m clear about the strategic objective here, which is “let’s make it really painful for Russia to achieve its aims”. It is not “we must save Ukraine!”.

Well I could ask you the same here:

If Sleepy Joe got us into a nuclear war and then after the Russian launch you warg into him, you don’t press the retaliate button, right?

We nuked the AZ desert and people don’t live that far away. Not sure of the fallout from a tactical nuke.

Would you have taken NATO expansion off the table?

Is it a counterforce strike? Easy yes if so. Mixed counterforce and countervalue, yes, launch. Countervalue you wouldn’t have to launch right away but that’d be weird for them just to launch at cities and not try to take out our missiles and airbases and sub bases. But yeah I’d retaliate in that circumstance too, just hard to imagine it happening.

Expansion to include Ukraine? Very likely I would have taken that off the table, yeah. In terms of expansion to any Russian border state, I don’t really have an opinion because I don’t think I’m well informed enough. Like I have no idea how Russia regard, say, Lithuania. Like is it territory they actually want or is it more analogous to how the US feels about Mississippi.

Ok without looking how many nuclear weapons have been detonated since WW2?

  • <100
  • 100-500
  • 500-1000
  • 1000+

0 voters

I guessed 500-1000. Meh, not so far off. Let me know when we can commence the smug shaming of people who said < 100.

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weapons? as in deployable configuration warheads? or all nuclear capable devices including ones that are constructed underground?