Poll to make SensiblePerson an Admin (SP has withdrawn)

I think it’s great that you’ve volunteered and you have my full endorsement.

Lol. There is nobody over the age of 10 who is less qualified than I am.

@goreo @jmakin Hey Guise. I do lurk more than post, but I would be happy to take on the admin role for a while (like 6mo, see how it goes or whatever everybody is ok with). I developed and have maintained a website for my business for 10 years, day job is web developer, – anything including the server stack I’m comfortable dealing with if needed. Don’t really know Discourse tbh but it can’t be too quirky.
I don’t really have the energy to have a strong opinion w/r/t the current drama, but I do value the community here and want to help out. I’d be limited to a few hours a week and won’t be super responsive during like 9-5 eastern, but I can keep the thing up to date and running right.


Is there really no way to keep admin from getting sucked into the forum drama shitstorm? I always thought the plan was for mods to deal with the endless trolling and admin to do the computer beep boop beep stuff.

Problem is most folks who would be crazy enough to volunteer care a whole bunch about this place and thus it kind of self-selects for people that could get rustled by forum imploding drama bombs.

Expecting the only person with real power to ignore the biggest problems with the community is a pretty big ask. Maybe olink is up to the task.

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The issue isn’t so much that admins need to make any decisions that suck them into a shitstorm (that is rare), but that people who happen to be admins get sucked in to shitstorms as regular participants in the forum, and it’s also demoralizing to spend so much time on something and see people tear it down so quickly


Thanks! I don’t think there is ever any need to do anything that isn’t planned in advance to suit your schedule. ZZ may have noticed and fixed some things outside of regular maintenance, but I have never contacted the other admin because something wasn’t working that needed their attention immediately.

Not sure if @Vict0ar wants to manage the server or is just willing to if nobody else will, and where @grue falls on that spectrum, but either way it’s great that we have one to three qualified volunteers and we’ll figure something out that isn’t me, that absolutely floor of someone who could do it.

Banning people who troll and attack the mental health of our admins is one way.

If there was a way to ban internet trolls we wouldn’t be in this mess.

Given this liability exposure, would it be possible for me to have admin powers, even if I’m not the one doing the technical stuff and had no intention of doing any adminning? Just more of an ultra backup plan.

Admin of the software like I’m an admin? We need a second person with the keys to this place in case I die so say the word and I will make you an admin right away and try not to get hit by a car in the meantime

Yes, jmakin just has to assign you the role on DO.

Right. I don’t want this to seem like a covert takeover, though, so if you think it should be voted on, that’s fine.

Edit: sorry zz!

jfc no more votes


I’ll do it now because I don’t think it’s good to have just one person, and then I will announce it and let people kick you out if they want


This is getting confused. spidercrab needs to be an admin (or team owner) of the DO account. Making him a Discourse admin accomplishes nothing.

I can’t do anything about the digitalocean account but I do think it’s a good idea to have two people with admin access to the forum software instead of just me

Oh I absolutely agree. Just saying it doesn’t solve the issue he raised.