Poll to make SensiblePerson an Admin (SP has withdrawn)

I’m actually not sure which one makes more sense. Both? Neither? I feel like zz is the one best equipped to make that call.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have multiple admins as backup? They can decide among themselves about taking turns being the primary admin.

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DO Team Owner (jmakin) - Total power over everything. Can add and remove other people from team roles. Can do whatever the heck they want with the server, the database, the forum, etc.

DO Team Admin (ggoreo) - Everything the Owner can do, except assign and remove other people.

DO Team Biller (spidercrab)- Gets to pay the bills, and not much else.

Discourse Admin (ggoreo) - Can do anything with the forum software. Can not access the rest of the server unless they are also on the DO Team with those permissions.

With jmakin stepping down, somebody else needs to be the Team Owner. As the person with your name and billing info already on the account, you can make a pretty good case that it should be you.

Impossible for anyone other than me to maintain the themes, not because I have such great skills, but because I made such a huge mess of everything it would be a nightmare for someone else to try to figure out what’s going on. That may become moot after a software update at some point where they stop working and I don’t bother fixing them and we revert back to stock themes, but for now it wouldn’t make sense for any one else to try to deal with it.

Who owns the domain name and what registor is it on?

simplicitus owns the domain. It’s registered through Google and jmakin has admin access (I think).


OTOH there are light, dark and grey themes that are just the stock theme with absolutely no modifications that will work in perpetuity, so there’s no reason not to give my custom themes a DNR order and let someone else take over. ZZ’s custom theme will age much more gracefully than mine

If @olink confirms he is still interested, I will start a new thread with the question

Shall olink serve a 6 month term of forum admin, after which he may be re-elected by forum vote if he wishes to continue?

and quoting this post or whatever statement olink may wish to place in OP instead.

Still in. Sounds good.


I’m the one who was deeply saddened, for this specific part I’m not quite sure how you’re the victim here. My post was another way of saying “I am sad that they are saying such mean things.”

I said you weren’t gaslighting, which is what made me sad, because I couldn’t understand why you said what you said. You said the regs were “sneaking off to set up a secret clubhouse instead of working things out here” but that was after they tried to work things out here and had

said to them as if none of them were

You don’t want to know the heinous shit that was said to Sabo, among others, leading up to this. That’s not an artistic flourish, I’m saying you literally do not want to know so I am not going to tell you. You can find it if you want.

I hope we can still be electronic music buddies but if not, that’s fine.

Sorry for posting that in this SRS BIZ BUSINESS thread.

I am confused. The thread title says SensiblePerson but now we have a poll about olink. Does SensiblePerson not want to become admin anymore or are we making both admins?

Look up thread. SensiblePerson has withdrawn.

Having three qualified admins willing to be admins is outstanding! I have some suggestions you’all might think about:
If possible in the software, remove any mod powers from the Admin. As much as possible make it an infrastructure not a content job. If it isn’t possible programmatically do it procedurally and enforce it.

Instead of having each person do a 6 month stint why not let them do shorter rotations? Spend a month working together on whatever needs to be done and then start the on-call rotation. Two weeks on, one month off, or whatever works for your schedules.

As the new Admins do things for the first time have them document it so someone without their admin experience could do the task. “This is what you type to start the service,” “this is how you apply an upgrade” type things with the goal of being able to bring a less technical volunteer into the rotation.

It will slow things down and add overhead up front, but if successful will pay off on the back end by making it easy to add additional coverage to the Admin team. Being on-call two weeks every other month is much less of a time commitment than being on-call for 6 months. It also provides a deeper bench if real life issues impact our Admins ability to volunteer for the board.



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