Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)




We’re looking at new houses now, and one of the ones on our list for a drive-by was right next to a house with a giant “Don’t Tread on Me” flag next to an equally large American flag hanging from the garage. We were immediately like, nope.

Sucks for the neighbors selling their house.





That one the building was damaged already supposedly, and they were pushing the glass in so it didn’t fall out into the street and hurt someone. Allegedly.

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Another one for the history books.



Nice… I didn’t want to be the one to post that picture. :grin:


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Parental guidance…


This is as shady as fuckkkkkk


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Has anyone posted this yet?

not what is being implied - see replies

I’m not sure… Floyd’s family (I truly hope) won’t ever have to worry about money again and the city will likely pay dearly as they should. But that would be the case whether he was white or black. The real issue is why black people, the poor, and minorities are targeted so much in the first place and I think the answer to that is what you hint at. Money. Whites are more likely able to afford lawyering up for minor incidents. More likely to have the means to sue for false arrest and violation of rights. More likely to be able to post bail so as not to spend more than a few hours in jail. And finally, more likely to be able to pay a fine

Contrast this to poor urban areas where someone is likely to sit in jail until their court date. Not be able to pay a fine or take off work for court only to get into MORE trouble because of it. It’s a self perpetuating system that oppresses the living shit out of minorities and then the good ole rural white folk wonder aloud, why can’t “those” people stay out of trouble?

This is what makes it so easy for cops to target black people so much more. Bust them for stuff a white person gets a warning for. And end up in situations where they’re completely surrounded by cops with one of them pinning their neck over a non violent crime such as an alleged forged check. The conversation leading up to these “The tragic death of…” threads really needs to start well before there’s another death. It’s baked into a systemic racist culture and the only remedy is to hold these cops accountable and take a jackhammer to our current judicial system and rebuild from the ground up



:point_up_2: A breath of fresh air.

That‘s an old video.



Added this edit…

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Holy shit.

EDIT: Aww, it’s old?

Opps… I kinda knew it wasn’t recent, but was not sure.

Yeah that was yesterday.

Good lord, Pete. Stay out of this one.

It‘s from Romania.


I can’t give that enough likes