Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Yup. And he paid with a credit card so the store has his name already.


In a lawsuit, the Florida Police Benevolent Association sought to keep the officer’s identity under wraps by offering him protections under the victims’ rights amendment to the state’s constitution. As a victim, they said, the law guaranteed him privacy, broadly defined. In this case, they argued that meant keeping confidential all identifying information about the officer, such as his name, prior disciplinary records, and body camera footage. But Leon County Judge Charles Dodson declared that the law, colloquially known as Marsy’s Law, “was not intended to apply to law enforcement officers when acting in their official capacity” because it could grant them “virtual anonymity” whenever they use force.

Oh, so quelled




There were two regular protests at the start of June. One at the justice center and one that usually marched through the east side of the city. I’ve heard they don’t get along because of separate ideologies, people at the justice center were too violent and people marching on the East side were too peaceful.

The peaceful ones are now marching to the Justice center, which is next door to the federal courthouse, and sticking around. A couple weeks ago most of them abhorred that idea. Two of my coworkers who support BLM but won’t protest are now talking about going. Moms are not just coming from Portland, my friend is in a group from over the river in Washington that are there tonight. I wonder how pacified we are going to get.

I’m heading down now. Kind of late but last night didn’t really kick off till well after midnight last night.


Right on, be careful. The same guy’s feed I couldn’t stop watching before is back on, looks like feds are going to start it off again any minute


Unfortunately, ‘spectacle’ is now the best way to describe Portland’s protests,” he wrote. “Vandalizing government buildings and hurling projectiles at law enforcement draw attention — but how do these actions stop police from killing black people?

By trying to get rid of the fucking cops!



When the protests kicked off in Minneapolis I think an NAACP leader or two were saying people need to stop with the rioting and looting because that doesn’t bring honor or respect to George Floyd’s name or something like that.

Even considering the shortage of PPE, this is obscene and ridiculous. #priorities




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The feds were using their own leafblowers yesterday, there were some dueling battles across the fence.


I do not condone violence but Clay Travis needs an ass-beating.

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In the second picture, I think she is saying, “Hey Cletus, we prolly want to git. We’re outnumbered”. Go NFAC! 2A applies to all citizens, baby!

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Shit thats intense. That accidental discharge could have ended really, really badly. I can’t believe how good we’re running that some super insane shit hasn’t happened at one of these yet.

What happens if a legit mentally ill boogaloo 3%er who wants to start a race war decides to open up on the NFAC with an AR15?

Things heating up in Seattle

There was a shooting in Aurora

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