Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

He’s clearly just a stripper.


Instead of lifting your arms for the Y, you barely have to lift a finger.



That’s bullshit.

A good friend of mine works at the courthouse downtown here in Portland (not a thug). He’s been working mostly from home but had to go in today to pick up some stuff for work and he said the inside of the courthouse today at noon still had all sorts of CS gas remnants floating around irritating everyone. Said it made his eyes water pretty bad while there and he had a bad coughing fit after he left, when he got home. And again tonight the protest out front is huge, people coming out again and again getting gassed over and over and no quit. I love my city’s response.



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If you showed me this 6 months ago and said this will be Portland now I’d probably be surprised, and then not surprised.


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Live feed from a guy up front at the fence, feds are coming out soon I’d bet


This shit is crazy. So far this Robert Evans guy has taken a “pepper ball” right to the eye and they just almost directly hit him with some kind of flashbang.

Just got on the last train out after being across the street from the fence in Portland. Thousands of people out tonight marching followed by listening to speakers at the Justice center. Pretty quiet night till a little after midnight. Protesters threw trash bags over followed by a burning box over the fence at the courthouse to get a small fire going on the sidewalk. Noticed pepper balls being shot a few times and hitting umbrellas, I got hit with some kind of small harmless shrapnel during that. Leafblowers went into action onece flashbangs and gas came into play and they work amazingly well. I didn’t even notice effects from a fair amount of gas while it was right across the street from me. Could hear things really going off as I sat at the train stop. Watching the feed is hilarious. Feds are gassing into the park but protesters are doing a good job at tossing them back while leaf blowers run around confining the smoke to the building.


Looks like you missed the tear gas tornado! Holy shit you don’t see that every day



I just watched for hours, thanks. I miss Portland so much.

I couldn’t stop watching, that guy is a badass. He kept taking shot after gassing after shot and kept getting right up at the front of it.

Yes and was helping out others while doing and providing really good coverage. Dude is a real embedded journalist.



If the judge tells them to stop, they have to stop. It’s the law.




This weeks episode of police being assholes comed to you from Wyomissing PA. Black man is a nuisance in a Walmart (playing music on phone, test riding bike) before eventually buying a bike for his son. Ends with him being tased, arrested, and hog tied with one of the officers belts. They never tell him why he is being arrested. The official story is that Walmart wanted the police to ID him so they could ban him, but he paid with a credit card so they know his name already. This would have been handled so much more appropriately by a mental health expert than a racist police force.

Defund the police.


So I haven’t read the bill yet to see what it really does but the House in CT passed a bill limiting/getting rid of qualified immunity. The cops and related folks I know are melting down. It’s quite entertaining to watch saying how CT is now going to turn into the Purge while the cops sit on their hands and don’t do anything.

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So the police’s defense here is Walmart wanted to ban the guy, so they needed to see his ID. Guy refuses to show ID to cops, so they taze him, arrest him, and charge him with aggravated assault because he resisted.

And the police are saying that this version of events exonerates them!