Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

If the chaos doesn’t erupt in Atlanta the way the cops want, are they going to be out there breaking windows?


All physical interaction between police and suspects is approached from the cops perspective under the notion that the suspect wants to get the cops gun and kill him with it. This is also a really common movie scene (good guy and bad guy physically fight over getting a gun, leading to the good guy over powering the bad guy to prevent it).

It would be interesting to see how often has that actually occurred… (likely close to never).

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P&S boiled down to a meme.



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wtf man


I can remember one time in the greater Seattle area. This one happened in 2002:

Deputy shot dead after man takes gun

The deputy, wearing a bulletproof vest, had gone to the apartment building at 7311 Coal Creek Parkway S.E. in Newcastle, southeast of Bellevue, shortly after 5 p.m. in response to a report that a man was dodging cars in the street.

Witnesses and police said the deputy approached the man and sprayed him with pepper spray in an attempt to subdue him. The two scuffled and the man grabbed the officer’s gun.

The deputy quickly realized he was in danger and began retreating, moving away from bystanders as if to draw any gunfire away from the crowd, according to a witness, William Dickerson. The man then repeatedly shot the deputy, who became the first law-enforcement officer to die in the line of duty in Washington this year.

Scolding me on the virtues of all that’s wrong with cops, policing, and the justice system is laughable. Read some of my posts about cops before the George Floyd thread even existed

This is a very good article if it hasn’t already been posted. Not sure if it belongs here though:


Being right half the time and a massive grifter probably puts him in the top 30% of political figures/commentators/people on Twitter.

God Bless America!

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For sure. Breaking windows is tough work, and it moves them to tears to have to do it, but someone’s gotta do it! Should probably give 'em another bonus.

Strangely enough, this happened in Ireland last night. Only a small percentage of Irish cops are armed - plainclothes detectives mostly - but one of those that are armed got into a physical altercation with a guy last night. The guy took the cop’s gun and shot him 15 times with it.


I have an ex-cop friend who was an eyelash away from being killed in the line of duty when a guy got his gun from him. I don’t remember the exact story, but as one might expect, he was trying to apprehend him and the guy fought back and got his gun somehow. I think it misfired or something, because I recall him telling the story as if he should basically be dead right now.

Tomorrow is Juneteenth, so a day off for many and should be for all.
Better than Washington’s birthday.



This guy was also endorsed by the fraternal order of police. I think they know what they’re gonna do and that’s why they boarded up the statehouse


Just a reminder the only person arrested in the Breonna Taylor murder was her boyfriend who was charged for attempted murder because he shot at the home invaders (cops) in self defense. The charges were dropped without prejudice but they can be brought back up with new facts

I was able to explain to my dad why Trump having the rally on Juneteenth in Tulsa was bad.

He literally couldn’t comprehend it at first. But since he’s jewish I said imagine there was a president that was considered antisemitic. He said don’t need to Obama was. I was like ok whatever, now imagine on the anniversary of the fall of nazi Germany Obama held his first rally back from a pandemic in Auschwitz

He hasn’t replied but that usually means he gets it and then doesn’t bring it up every again.


makes sense, i wasn’t thinking it was a city holiday though