Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

lol had me going for a sec


Yeah like I said I know very little about how McDonald’s works, but my knee jerk reaction was to have some empathy for someone so paranoid, she chose to leave hungry rather than take her meal

Obviously, she completely misses the point and it was an utterly tone deaf video. Assuming it was real. Has it even been confirmed she’s really a cop?

thats what i am wondering about

She’s a sheriff’s deputy in McIntosh County, GA.

WTF. People don’t trust cops but yet she orders online so people don’t buy her food? Mkay.

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#RIPcopprivilege should be a thing

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I ordered one of their egg white sandwiches once and I had to wait like ten minutes while they figured out what the heck that even is. Serves me right for not just ordering an Egg McMuffin like a normal person.

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Headline consensus is equal to scientific consensus if you don’t know the difference.

It’s classic Strict Father abuse.

“You want to cry about police brutality? I’ll give you something to cry about. See how much worse off you are without me. You’ll be begging me to come back.”


Nobody fucking discriminated against her. She had a normal experience. She’s scared someone is going to poison her food because there have been numerous stories in the news of cops getting poisoned or mistreated by fast food workers. Not one has held up to scrutiny after 2-4 weeks. Not one.

She’s scared because her colleagues are fucking making shit up to try to garner sympathy in the press, not because she’s under a real threat from fucking McDonald’s workers, not because she was discriminated against. She had a totally normal experience, broke down in tears over it, and is seeking sympathy. Fuck that.

Yeah, and beyond that, maybe if people don’t trust cops, cops should stop fucking killing people who are no threat. Crazy idea, I know.


I don’t disagree with any of this. Again, I had a knee jerk reaction of empathy for someone who was paranoid about her food being tampered with. The real question in my mind was only whether or not it’s okay to discriminate against a particular profession. My conclusion is that it is when that profession is as disgraceful as policing. They should be shamed and only have themselves to blame. It’s all good afaic

Obviously this too



also saw this on facebook so not sure on validity but.

#BREAKINGNEWS #Court #house in #Louisville is being boarded up right now.

Multiple staffers said they were all asked to leave the building and that they were told, privately, that a decision was being announced soon on Breonna Taylor.

Speculation was that no charges will be filed.

It’s an uphill battle. Lots of people want cops knocking heads and lots of the rest think the world turns to Mad Max if cops take a long lunch.

My NextDoor, which runs in favor of BLM generally, is overwhelmingly pro-cop and people have suggested more cops and having them paid more.


There seems to be video of the courthouse being boarded up.



Jesus, that is mind-blowingly terrible if true. They are going to get a shitstorm and they’re going to deserve it.

Also just want to note that IIRC Shaun King is a grifter of some sort, so taking this with a grain of salt.

We pay them like this, then people buy them lunch and beers, then when they have to wait 5 minutes for their fucking sandwich, they cry. Spoiled little snowflakes.

Even if they weren’t out there killing innocent people, they’d be in dire need of an attitude adjustment.