Music is my sanctuary where I should be free to not be reminded that a huge chunk of the world thinks I’m a deplorable racist. Not fair!
Wish I’d thought to write that - it’s the sort of thing I could see Dave Gorman doing.
Ban MMA.
I reckon if crazy Chuck McGill can be an effective litigator, crazy Karen can answer the phones and file and run coffee and whatnot.
Karen, Karen, and McGill?
Regarding Rage Against the Machine:
RATM had a concert at the Target Center in Minneapolis while the RNC convention was being held in St.Paul in 2008.
My MPD buddy told me that they had them all in riot gear outside the RATM concert. Considering we are 40ish, I was surprised when he told me that he had never heard of them.
I was trying to brave Coachella this year for Rage, then they announced a gigantic NA tour and then had tickets to see them twice now get to see them 0 times this year.
Tons of right wing douchebags love RATM. Dana White is another
Bad news guys.
She struggles with mental illness and the remarks were due to said mental illness
I had a white guy accost me on the street right before everything shut down - accusing me of loitering and saying stuff like “I’m the only white guy out here”. Note - I am ginger and white as can be. He was well dressed too, with a full grocery bag - clearly not homeless but definitely mentally ill. So weird.
I actually yelled at him to go away. But felt bad once I calmed down and realized he was almost certainly mentally ill. I was like “you’re not crazy, what’s wrong you with you?” I was already having a really tense day and dude just put me over the edge. If he was homeless obviously I just ignore him and move on.
I helped organize LA 2000, as did Tom Morello. Didn’t these fools notice FW Morello usually has had an IWW cap on, and Sabo-tabby on his guitars?
Come argue with crazy homeless people in LA and let me know how that works out.
I’m not saying don’t help someone down on their luck. I’m saying don’t sit there and talk to someone who comes right up to you and gets in your face. That’s just a bad idea.
It’s not a bad idea, but if you do it every time, then feeding the homeless is your full time job. Awesome, obviously, but not everyone is going to do it.
Things might be different in Euroland.
I have given homeless people sandwiches, but I’ve ignored them 99.9% off the time.
Have you considered the possibility that he only existed in your mind?
I really don’t know what it’s like in Ireland. I could well imagine that you’d be absolutely shocked driving around LA.
I spun my talisman right afterwards just to make sure.
I’ve walked all over Dublin and not seen anything remotely resembling LA.
I meant if it was a homeless guy yelling at me, like this guy was, I’d ignore him and move on.
Actually more like try not to make eye contact while still keeping an eye on him and moving away as fast as possible.